What modes do you shoot in?
I've been doing photography for about 3 years now, and still don't know what mode to use most often. That is to say when to use what modes.
What modes do you use for what situations? I find my self using manual all the time, is that dumb of me...I have lost a few shots trying to set up a shot in manual lol.
What modes do you use for what situations? I find my self using manual all the time, is that dumb of me...I have lost a few shots trying to set up a shot in manual lol.
Unless you're shooting studio or nighscenes, or some other situations where the light doesn't change, shooting manual doesn't give you any advantage and quite often leads to bad shots or missed (due to the extra time you took to set the settings right) opportunities. Shoot in A. Manual is only good for static lighting and some tricky situations (when you typically have time to set it right).
Sports (the bulk of my work): shutter priority
Newsy portraits: aperture priority
Strobe-assisted stuff: manual.
Forum for Canadian shooters: www.canphoto.net
A real pro will be comfortable shooting in Manual mode, and Av or Tv, and even full on Auto program as needed.
It really depends on what you are shooting, how much control you have of the situation, and what you need the images for.
I do agree with Nik, that if the light is stable, unvarying, I prefer Manual mode, as I feel the exposure is more consistent from frame to frame.
But there are times Av is much more useful, especially if the light is changing while you look through the viewfinder. Think wildlife, some sports, anytime your subjects are moving in and out of light and shadow.
Tv is what some sport shooters favor very highly. Some shoot Av, and some use manual at times. No single right answer, only what works for you.
And some street shooters like Program mode also. Michael Reichman uses Program for street shooting, at least that is what he has said on his website at times.
The key is knowing which to use, and when.
I have used them all from time to time, usually Manual or Av, but sometimes Tv or Program.
If you know why you are choosing to use a particular mode, there is no need to explain it to anyone else.
Let your images do the talking for you.
Moderator of the Technique Forum and Finishing School on Dgrin
I just got a 550D to replace my sony A330. The 550D has something I've never seen before called CA-creative auto.
It does an auto exposure, but lets me set the DoF and the shutter speed...what do you guys think of that one?
Moderator of the Technique Forum and Finishing School on Dgrin
I stopped caring what snobby "pros" say about my shooting mode. I shoot whatever mode gets me the best shot for the situation.
Any shooter worth listening to won't give you crap about your mode.
Proofing: clients.captured-photos.com
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Gear: Lots of Nikon bodies & glass, an office full of tools and toys
Moderator of the Technique Forum and Finishing School on Dgrin
Thet use whatever gives them result. The most important mode is in the brain, not in the camera.