
Sorting Photos by Competitor Number

donekdonek Registered Users Posts: 655 Major grins
edited March 28, 2012 in Sports
Does anyone have an effective method of doing this? I will be shooting a dance Competition in April. Lat time I did one of these the time involved with sorting was extensive. I developed a workflow of only shooting competitors once per competition and shooting a separator shot (ceiling or wall) between each competitor. This helps, but it's still necessary to drag and drop.

Obviously a program that looked at each image and performed face recognition and competitor number recognition and then automatically sorted for you would be ideal. Is there any such solution for a reasonable price?

It might be easier to be able to select a group of photos and make an exif edit for the group. Once this is done, a piece of software that could find all the competitor exif data and sort them into folders.

Does anybody have a good system for doing such a thing?
Sean Martin

it's not the size of the lens that matters... It's how you focus it.

aaaaa.... who am I kidding!

whoever dies with the biggest coolest piece of glass, wins!


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    AceCo55AceCo55 Registered Users Posts: 950 Major grins
    edited March 28, 2012
    There was a thread about this recently: http://www.dgrin.com/showthread.php?t=194321

    The consensus seemed to be either:
    1) PhotoMechanic where you can set up codes that act like "autocorrect", so that with a few keystrokes a detailed caption is generated so that people can do a keyword search. Check out this blog: http://news.smugmug.com/category/sports/
    2) Instead of going through captioning individual images, break up each day's shot in a number of small galleries so that people can look through a specific set of photos. I post around 1000-2000 photos each week (sports) and just can't afford the time to caption so that individuals can view just "their" images. I will create galleries of the individual match and if need be, break the match into first half/second half. If I shoot athletics I will create galleries for "male track", "male field", "male relays" + same groups for females and then a "trackside" gallery (crowd/officials/journalistic). One advantage of this is that when someone is looking through photos for themselves, they will see photos of other people they know and will contact them to say they saw a great photo of them and they should check it out. Increases the viewing audience.
    As I have no idea how dance sport is set up/organised, I'm not sure how effective this would work in that scenario.
    Good luck.

    PS Picasa has some form of face/people recognition. Never used it so don't know if it would do the job you are looking for
    My opinion does not necessarily make it true. What you do with my opinion is entirely up to you.
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