New York: "Young Murderess With Victim's Head" + "Roman Soldier,Times Square"
"Young Murderess With Victim's Head"

"Typical Roman Soldier, Times Square"

"Typical Roman Soldier, Times Square"
View my work at Pristine Light Photography
Thanks for the comment. These both were quick "shots of opportunity" so my technique was to get the camera out of the bag in 1 sec. Beyond that, nada.
Do you shoot in RAW? If you do the RAW format should give you the latitude to bring the highlights down a little. I checked your galleries and like what I saw there, but noticed that a number of the photos had similar highlights. That may be your processing style and there's nothing wrong with that. If you do want to bring down the highlights somewhat then you may want to go with either -½ or -1 flash or explosure compensation (which depends upon your equipment).
At any rate, I like your work and wish I had the knack for street photography that you have. I do well with landscapes and wildlife, but have always felt uncomfortable when trying to shoot street scenes with people involved. I think that it takes a special breed to shoot in the streets and bring home the bacon. You do it well.
Photographs by Dixie
| Canon 1Ds | Canon 5D Mark II | Canon 5D | Canon 50D | Canon 10D | Canon EOS Elan 7 | Mamiya Pro S RB67 |
...and bunches of Canon lenses - I'm equipment rich and dollar poor!
I shoot film a lot, and digital on occasion. I think I unconsciously go for highlights when I process without realizing it. I want to take a look at that.
I can use your hints about exposure/flash comp anytime and will. I can't shoot RAW on my digital but I can still take the highlights down.
thanks for the helpful comments