Crawling Slow upload to galleries?

Is something up? Usually pretty fast. My upload speed with my internet is about 17mps? :dunno I have a huge event trying to load and it says it will take 1.9hrs to load 40 images. This is not a good thing.
Can you run a speed test for us and send us the results on the help desk?
Use a wired connection when possible as wireless is often slower and or susceptible to interference.
Please write our heroes for personal attention - we can do some tests on your connection. SmugMug is accepting uploads as fast as you can get them to us.
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Zerodog, please please email our heroes. Thanks.
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Uploading with LR3. Totally normal. Just created about 8 galleries and they are completely uploaded in about 15min. This was imposible with 4. Each of these galleries was over 1 hr to export to SM. These are taking minutes. And I can run 4 at once before my system starts really bogging. LR4 was bogging badly at 3. To the point of the mouse being unreponsive. In 3 I can load 4 galleries at once and still have enough power to edit a 5th gallery and make adjustments.
Thanks Adobe!!!! You guys officially suck. The new version has some sweet features. And they do render RAW files better than any other previous version of LR. But this speed is unacceptable. It is a step into the past with uploading to the internet. I haven't been so pissed off and frustrated with something in a really long time. I felt like I was running in a circle with this stuff. I have a blazing fast connection that costs $$$. I have great computers, great cameras, good workflow, Smugmug, all of this should make life easy when it comes to this stuff. Throw in a crappy program to the workflow and it all goes down the tubes. It just doesn't matter how good you and your system is if you can't get your images up for people to buy!
It's in situations like this where I've learned that 'newer isn't always better' and 'don't fix it if it isn't broken' apply very well.
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