Just playing with Rockwell....

Not that I could enter or anything, but I really like Norman Rockwell. He is one of my all time favorite artist/illustrator even when I was a kid. I have several of his works hanging in my house!
Anyway, here is a little play time I did today on an image I already had taken in Barcelona. What do you think? Do you think it has a Rockwell flavor??:dunno
Anyway, here is a little play time I did today on an image I already had taken in Barcelona. What do you think? Do you think it has a Rockwell flavor??:dunno

This is nice from you to try your hand in these challenges
I'm not sure if your image is in the Rockwell style... I'm also a fan of his work, but maybe I don't know it as much as to be able to answer your question...
However what you have done is a gorgeous work - very, very nice!
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I think what I was playing with here is the 'effect' of trying to make it look somewhat illustrated without going overboard. If I get a break from work this weekend I might try a fresh shot just for fun!
If I could tell the story in words, I wouldn't need to lug around a camera. ~Lewis Hine
I like your shot - comp & lighting are both really nice, I like that you caught the kid in the air; the only thing that I see as not being very Rockwell is the motion blur - I don't recall seeing blurred motion in his art (doesn't mean he didn't do it - I just don't remember it); most of his action works look to me like stop-action. Otherwise I like the motion blur - the shot would have a completely different feel without it.
A photograph is an artistic expression of life, captured one moment at a time . . .