Weird Critters at 5x

WilliamClark77WilliamClark77 Registered Users Posts: 164 Major grins
edited March 28, 2012 in Holy Macro
I've been slacking for quite some time on any pic posting. I hope time allows for much more in the coming weeks.

Hope yaw find these interesting too. I have no idea what these bugs are. It looked like a bit of fungus or mold on an apple tree we recently planted. Before removing it I wanted to see what it looked like through the mpe. I bumped it with the flash setting up and tore a bit off the top layer. To my surprise it was full of.... these.

At 1x with a key for size reference.


At 5x AND cropped about 60%. These little critters immediately began repairing things.


They were rearranging what I am guessing are larvae of some sort. There was a lot of activity. I attempted to get shots to stack but too much movement, hence the shallow dof and less than great pics. These are at 4.5-5x




There appeared to be eggs floating in there too. I don't know this for sure. At 5x cropped about 50%


Anyone know what these are? I plan to attempt a video of them in action soon.


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