Studio Size Advice
Hey guys, so I'm looking into getting my very first studio of my own and want to hear what some people think about minimum size requirements. I will be doing primarily less-traditional portrait work, and probably a decent amount of bands. I found a very cool place, in the art district of my city(buffalo), 5 min walk from where I live. The dimensions were slimmed down to about 725 sq feet (about 35 x 21) with 11 ft ceilings (and the 35 ft wall is brick which I love). I was hoping more for around 900 so I could have more of a 30 x 30 space, but I'm thinking I should be able to make what is there work. Anybody think I might be cutting it a little too close to do full length small groups (like bands)? This location is truly IDEAL because of the location, security, proximity to where I live, cost, and amenities like bathroom and off street parking so I would love for this to come together, but I don't want to be kicking myself because I don't quite have enough room down the road.
Second that. This opportunity sounds like a winner for you! If you're leasing, you have absolutely nothing to lose in the next 12 months. If you're buying, you already said it's prime time location, so reselling won't be a problem.
Why are you still waiting on this?
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Gear: Lots of Nikon bodies & glass, an office full of tools and toys
Everyone I have spoken to gives me the impression their enthusiasm for them to get good pics and their ability to pay are at pretty distant ends of the scale.
If you have established yourself with PAYING band Clients, you are on the right track. If so far you have been giving your work away or for less than a professional business rate, I would urge caution of the highest order.
I don't by any means plan on having income from bands being the driving force of my business. I'll be doing primarily single portraits. That being said, I'm highly involved in the local music scene here(top notch IMO), have some paying bands lined up(not incredible, but paying), and shoot for a popular local music blog, so I KNOW I will be shooting bands from time to time. Are they a significant part of my business model? NO...I will be shooting them though, and of course need to do it right if I'm not shooting on location.