
First Baseball of the Season - 2 Games

OldGuyOldGuy Registered Users Posts: 301 Major grins
edited May 14, 2012 in Sports
A few shots with my new 300 f4 AF-S. Whoop-eeee.

Kalamazoo Valley Community College v. Muskegon Community College:

1. First BOB ever...:rofl

2. Dang... Almost two in the same game...:wink

3. How low can you go.

4. That low.

Kalamazoo College v. Finlandia University (In The U.P.):

1. I think I have my quota BOB for the year...:D

2. The race is on back to first.:ivar

3. He is SAFE! :clap

C&C always welcome.


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    AceCo55AceCo55 Registered Users Posts: 950 Major grins
    edited April 13, 2012
    Hi - I hate it when someone takes the trouble to post and they get no feedback ... so here goes! (Just be aware I know very little about baseball - not a big sport here in Australia. So feel free to completely ignore anything I say)

    #1: Timing is great! The ball actually looks deformed (but that could be MY deformed eyes!) ... and shutter speed has allowed for some motion blur that really adds to the dynamics of the shot.
    #2: Similar comments to #1
    Ideally, would you want to see more of the batter's faces? Not sure what is the norm for baseball.

    #3: Even though his throwing hand is hidden, I really like this one - so full of energy and effort. I think the extreme elbow angle really adds to the image. The puff of dirt from the back foot, the blown out cheeks and the extreme low position ... all good. I really find myself stopping and staring at this image.

    #4: Love the action here - super shot ... the wave of dirt flying and the runner in the background all help to tell a story of the play. I know sometimes the moment passes so quickly that you can't necessarily compose as might have wished so for me there are two things that ideally would have made it even better:
    * the batsman's right hand is uncomfortable close to edge / slightly cut off
    * the whole image is tilted (I do that all the time darn it!!!)
    * yeah I know I only said two .... if there had been a slightly looser crop you may have got the entire base runner in the background.
    Aperture and focal length have worked well to throw the background nicely out of focus

    Set 2 #1: Another well timed shot, nice motion blur and plenty of "power" coming through. Couldn't have done much more about the background blur - you were already wide open and at 300mm. However, would it have been better to move your shooting position to make the background less busy. With the sun where it is half the player is brightly lit and the back half is in shadow. Would it have helped to have moved to the right? Probably you were not allowed to go there so it may be an irrelevant point.

    Set2 #2: Nice capture of the effort/expression of the player. Light is working against you with the front in shadow but you have still got pretty good contrast. I like the close composition from waist up and having some room on the left for the player to run into. The part player in back right is a bit distracting - don't you wish he had been more considerate.

    Set 2 #3: Nice capture - good action. You can feel the desperation in both players. If it were me, I would look at cropping some of the unnecessary space from the top of the image ... but keep all of the bottom. You can decide if that would improve it ... or is just a load of rubbish!

    I really like the set - sharp, great timing, good action, good "stories". Thanks for sharing. Sorry you didn't get some feedback earlier.
    My opinion does not necessarily make it true. What you do with my opinion is entirely up to you.
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    KingdomphotoKingdomphoto Registered Users Posts: 11 Big grins
    edited May 4, 2012
    I love the first shot...you can see the baseball dent where it meets the bat. Those moments are hard to catch and you did good there.
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    bobpalbobpal Registered Users Posts: 47 Big grins
    edited May 14, 2012
    It is a very fun day when you shoot a game and get a number of good ball shots. It happened to me a couple of weeks ago but I didn't get anything as good as yours. Congratulations!
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