Blue Angels at Night

moose135moose135 Registered Users Posts: 1,420 Major grins
edited April 13, 2012 in Other Cool Shots
No, silly, not an air show...last Sunday night, we had two jets of the Blue Angels team drop in to my local airport (Republic on Long Island) after their weekend show in Alabama. Memorial Day weekend, they will be performing at our air show on Long Island, and will be participating in Fleet Week activities over New York Harbor for several days before the air show. On Monday, they flew a familiarization flight over the harbor, to prepare for Fleet Week. I was out when they arrived, and fortunately, the light rain we had most of the evening let up long enough for some shooting.






  • black mambablack mamba Registered Users Posts: 8,327 Major grins
    edited April 10, 2012
    Nice work, John. I don't think I've ever seen any of the Blue's planes at night. The wet aircraft and the wide array of lighting make for interesting shots.

    BTW, the Sun 'N' Fun air show extravaganza, held in Lakeland, FL each year, stages a nighttime air show that is always spectacular.

    I always wanted to lie naked on a bearskin rug in front of a fireplace. Cracker Barrel didn't take kindly to it.
  • toragstorags Registered Users Posts: 4,615 Major grins
    edited April 10, 2012
    Nice work Moose

    Well seen and well exposed... thumb.gif
  • MilanMilan Registered Users Posts: 166 Major grins
    edited April 12, 2012
  • Gary752Gary752 Registered Users Posts: 934 Major grins
    edited April 12, 2012
    Nice job as always, Moose! I have to say, if these were mine, #3 would be printed HUGE, and hanging on my wall! My questoion is, how many flashes were used to create this awesome image? It appears that there is one hidden behind each wheel to get that cool effect. Did you use another one to light the plane, or just a slow shutter speed? Keep up the great work, as I always enjoy viewing your aircraft photos.

    “The single most important component of a camera is the twelve inches behind it!” - Ansel Adams
  • DogdotsDogdots Registered Users Posts: 8,795 Major grins
    edited April 12, 2012
    I've never seen shots of the Blue Angels at night. They look spectacular thumb.gif
  • moose135moose135 Registered Users Posts: 1,420 Major grins
    edited April 13, 2012
    Thank you very much! I started a new job last month (yea!) so I haven't been shooting as much, and it was fun to get out for these.

    Tom, Sun n' Fun has always sounded like a great show, and I'd love to get down there one of these days.

    Gary, for #3 it was a 30 second exposure (they were all between 20 and 30 seconds). I set up the shot, walk over near the airplane, and trip the shot with a remote. While it's cooking, I run around behind and under the aircraft with a Speedlite, and fire it behind each of the wheels - pointed downward and towards the camera, but with the wheel blocking the direct flash from the lens. Wearing dark clothes, and moving fast (well, as fast as this old Moose can move) you don't see me in the picture. It's a technique I learned from a friend who used to make a living shooting business jets for corporate clients.
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