
Auto ISO - 7d

divamumdivamum Registered Users Posts: 9,021 Major grins
edited April 15, 2012 in Cameras
Josh Martinez and the others who mentioned Auto ISO while discussing the 5d III: THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!!

I had never explored it on my 7d, for some reason believing it was the same as the fairly mediocre auto-ISO on the PnS cameras, and thus a "snapshot" setting. It isn't.

And it's freaking AWESOME.

Unless I'm using flash, my camera will now permanently be set to ISO = A. Even in weird, patchy lighting situations it's been nailing the exposure every single time.

LOVE. I'm just sad I didn't switch to it a lot sooner - I can think of more than one shot which might have been saved by it......... :rofl

PS Yes, I have read my manual. Many times since I got my 7d in 2010. This particular feature (along with ALO) seemed to have slipped through my mental cracks :lol3


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    NikolaiNikolai Registered Users Posts: 19,035 Major grins
    edited April 12, 2012
    "May the f/stop be with you!"
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    zoomerzoomer Registered Users Posts: 3,688 Major grins
    edited April 12, 2012
    Good for you.
    A lot of people are anti auto iso, maybe because they haven't given it a good try.
    It is amazing for shooting people and weddings, it keeps the exposures in the pocket.
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    Quincy TQuincy T Registered Users Posts: 1,090 Major grins
    edited April 12, 2012
    I am anti A-iso, but I just assumed that was the right way to be. Now I'm going to check this out on my 7D. I'm glad I happened upon this thread...
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    RichardRichard Administrators, Vanilla Admin Posts: 19,937 moderator
    edited April 12, 2012
    Does the 7D let you set the thresholds yourself?
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    divamumdivamum Registered Users Posts: 9,021 Major grins
    edited April 12, 2012
    Richard, that's one of the reasons I wasn't interested - it was my understanding (and still is - please correct me if I've managed to miss yet another setting parameter!!) that it does not.

    However, having now tried it - at least outdoors - it hasn't been a problem. The camera has nailed everything I've thrown at it and delivered a great image. In several shots, it's chosen a MUCH higher ISO than I would have, but the resulting image has been perfectly-exposed (meaning that even ISO 2000 looks excellent - high ISO on the 7d is typically very good as long as the image is correctly exposed, and the camera is making sure of that)

    I haven't tried it with flash yet, but I think I'd probably want full manual control for that anyway. But so far, in variable, natural light settings, it's been exceptional. Colour me impressed.....

    Btw, here's the article I read when I was digging into this a little more. Excellent stuff http://www.dpreview.com/articles/0206161199/an-in-depth-discussion-of-m-auto-iso-for-canon-slrs
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    reyvee61reyvee61 Registered Users Posts: 1,877 Major grins
    edited April 12, 2012
    I don't like the way it works on my D700 because it does not nail the exposure when there is a lot of black in the scene. I've even tried setting the parameters with regard to exposure caps. I have yet to try the auto ISO on the D7000 to see if it's any more effective...
    Good to here Canon has it nailed though......
    Yo soy Reynaldo
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    Brett1000Brett1000 Registered Users Posts: 819 Major grins
    edited April 15, 2012
    divamum wrote: »
    Josh Martinez and the others who mentioned Auto ISO while discussing the 5d III: THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!!

    I had never explored it on my 7d, for some reason believing it was the same as the fairly mediocre auto-ISO on the PnS cameras, and thus a "snapshot" setting. It isn't.

    And it's freaking AWESOME.

    Unless I'm using flash, my camera will now permanently be set to ISO = A. Even in weird, patchy lighting situations it's been nailing the exposure every single time.

    LOVE. I'm just sad I didn't switch to it a lot sooner - I can think of more than one shot which might have been saved by it......... rolleyes1.gif

    PS Yes, I have read my manual. Many times since I got my 7d in 2010. This particular feature (along with ALO) seemed to have slipped through my mental cracks lol3.gif

    I've heard auto ISO on the 7D is better but I like the ability to set thresholds like you can do on the new 5D3
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    DeVermDeVerm Registered Users Posts: 405 Major grins
    edited April 15, 2012
    I believe my 7D limits ISO to 3200 when on auto-ISO ?

    my equipment: Canon 5D2, 7D, full list here
    my Smugmug site: here
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    Rob PauzaRob Pauza Registered Users Posts: 119 Major grins
    edited April 15, 2012
    It's also great for when you're shooting with a speed light and the flash is having trouble keeping up. It prevents those 5 second exposures when the flash doesn't fire, which seems like an eternity at certain times. I ran into that while shooting the cake cutting at a wedding once. Since then, I use auto ISO as a fail-safe for those instances when I don't have time to change batteries. -Seems like batteries/cards always run out at the worst times.

    I've had good results when using auto ISO for it's intended purpose as well, but seem to stick to manual. Maybe I'll give it another go.

    -Rob Pauza
    Rob Pauza Photography
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