
D800 user here....any questions?

trooperstroopers Registered Users Posts: 317 Major grins
edited April 30, 2012 in Cameras
Title says it.

I got mine on release date. About 2,500 clicks now.


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    perronefordperroneford Registered Users Posts: 550 Major grins
    edited April 17, 2012
    troopers wrote: »
    Title says it.

    I got mine on release date. About 2,500 clicks now.

    Yea, I'm about 6k in on mine. How are you enjoying the unit?
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    dixondukedixonduke Registered Users Posts: 197 Major grins
    edited April 17, 2012
    What body were you using prior to the D800? Any comparisons, likes, dislikes, wish it did but doesn't?

    And yes I am properly jealous as I have had mine ordered for almost 8 weeks now.
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    reyvee61reyvee61 Registered Users Posts: 1,877 Major grins
    edited April 17, 2012
    If you previously owned the D700 how would you rate the new sensor for high ISO compared to the 700?
    Yo soy Reynaldo
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    trooperstroopers Registered Users Posts: 317 Major grins
    edited April 17, 2012
    Yea, I'm about 6k in on mine. How are you enjoying the unit?

    It's been awesome!
    dixonduke wrote: »
    What body were you using prior to the D800? Any comparisons, likes, dislikes, wish it did but doesn't?

    D80 > D700 > D800. Sold the D700, but still have the D80 (just kept it...wasn't worth selling it for a few hundred bucks).

    For what I shoot which is 99% people (non action), it's far superior to the D700. The auto-ISO and auto WB is spectacular. I'm finding myself leaving it on auto for both settings...funny thing is that the D800 is such a awesome camera that it allows you to dumb down the settings with spectacular results...I would never have down that in the past.
    reyvee61 wrote: »
    If you previously owned the D700 how would you rate the new sensor for high ISO compared to the 700?

    See above.
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    Art ScottArt Scott Registered Users Posts: 8,959 Major grins
    edited April 18, 2012
    What would be the suggestion for someone needing to shoot people (performers: musicians, dancers, etc etc... ... ...) in very low light and needing great high ISO capabilities?
    "Genuine Fractals was, is and will always be the best solution for enlarging digital photos." ....Vincent Versace ... ... COPYRIGHT YOUR WORK ONLINE ... ... My Website

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    perronefordperroneford Registered Users Posts: 550 Major grins
    edited April 18, 2012
    Art Scott wrote: »
    What would be the suggestion for someone needing to shoot people (performers: musicians, dancers, etc etc... ... ...) in very low light and needing great high ISO capabilities?

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    trooperstroopers Registered Users Posts: 317 Major grins
    edited April 18, 2012
    Art Scott wrote: »
    What would be the suggestion for someone needing to shoot people (performers: musicians, dancers, etc etc... ... ...) in very low light and needing great high ISO capabilities?

    The D800 should be more than adequate if you can live with the "base" 4 FPS.
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    Art ScottArt Scott Registered Users Posts: 8,959 Major grins
    edited April 18, 2012
    FPS is really of no concern, I used to shoot all of this with med. format film cams and 35mm...so I do not worry about FPS or really even focus....if need to focus manually I can...
    "Genuine Fractals was, is and will always be the best solution for enlarging digital photos." ....Vincent Versace ... ... COPYRIGHT YOUR WORK ONLINE ... ... My Website

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    trooperstroopers Registered Users Posts: 317 Major grins
    edited April 19, 2012
    What would be the suggestion for someone needing to shoot people

    D800 thumb.gif The detail cannot be beat!

    Your pictures are not showing up. I shoot Nikon...I know squat about Canon.
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    ziggy53ziggy53 Super Moderators Posts: 23,912 moderator
    edited April 19, 2012
    troopers wrote: »
    D800 thumb.gif The detail cannot be beat!

    Your pictures are not showing up. I shoot Nikon...I know squat about Canon.

    That was a spammer. Carry on.
    Moderator of the Cameras and Accessories forums
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    KyErnKyErn Registered Users Posts: 1 Beginner grinner
    edited April 23, 2012
    Auto ISO
    Prior to getting the D800 my primary camera was a D300. With it I have been a big fan of enabling the Auto ISO, setting a minimum shutter speed, and letting the camera chose to use the lowest ISO it arrives at in its solution. This has worked well for me and has often used a lower ISO than would have resulted had I set it manually, I believe, to allow for the conditions of the venue. I most typically shoot in Shutter Priority despite the minimum shutter setting in Auto ISO because experience has suggested the metering is more accurate in Shutter priority than, say, Program.

    With the D800, I am still doing this, and for shooting in available light I love the results. The problem is that if I momentarily use an external flash (or even pop-up), and don't turn off the Auto ISO, the camera very often uses a high ISO, and the results are not desirable in combination with flash. This did not happen with the D300 -- I never found it to use a high ISO when shooting with flash, even with the Auto ISO turned on.

    On the D800, it is as though the metering solution prior to the flash firing is retained, at least in part, and you get a photo lit with both flash and ISO.

    Has anyone else observed or heard of this? Could it be related to the adjustment for focal length of the lens that Nikon has added to the Auto ISO feature? Btw, I shoot exclusively in RAW.

    With outdoor shooting and tripod, I will probably use Aperture Priority to limit stopping down too far for purposes of best definition.

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    lightdrunklightdrunk Registered Users Posts: 89 Big grins
    edited April 27, 2012
    Just Picked Mine Up This Morning.
    I'll post photos later today. Caution, Delkin memory cards don't work in the D800. I was fortunate enough to get one without the defective battery that some people have been getting.
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    lightdrunklightdrunk Registered Users Posts: 89 Big grins
    edited April 27, 2012
    dixonduke wrote: »
    What body were you using prior to the D800? Any comparisons, likes, dislikes, wish it did but doesn't?

    And yes I am properly jealous as I have had mine ordered for almost 8 weeks now.

    I was using a D300, which is now my backup camera. I love it. The nit pics about only 4fps doesn't bother me. I very seldom use it. Also, any twaddle you hear about the sensor having too high a pixel count is baseless. The camera is very light, lighter than my D300. Will post photos later.
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    MLangtonMLangton Registered Users Posts: 140 Major grins
    edited April 29, 2012
    1. Any experience with the auto distortion correction? Worth it, or just keep doing in PP??? I am trying to reduce PP time...

    I'm going to snag a Nikon 16-35mm when this comes in, ans supposedly this thing has mega distortion at 16mm... Just curious. Non issue with the 24-70, and the 70-200. Unless you get the 14-24mm, most Nikon wide angles seem to have distortion at the wide end. Don't get me wrong, I'd love that 14-24, but every time I get ready to buy, that unprotected(able) front element scares me off.

    2. Whens mine getting here??? Been on order for what "seems like" an eternity... :cry
    More photo, less shop.

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    lightdrunklightdrunk Registered Users Posts: 89 Big grins
    edited April 30, 2012
    Having a Blast With Mine
    troopers wrote: »
    Title says it.

    I got mine on release date. About 2,500 clicks now.

    I love mine. Very sharp images with a medium format feel to them. And the camera is light: what a surprise. I don't shoot sports so 4 fps is fine with me. I've been shooting a lot with a Nikkor 50mm f1.8
    and it is a good match for that camera. All my other lenses work well too.

    Shot with a Sigma 24-70 f2.8 at f8, 400 ISO with fill from popup.
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    trooperstroopers Registered Users Posts: 317 Major grins
    edited April 30, 2012
    MLangton wrote: »
    1. Any experience with the auto distortion correction? Worth it, or just keep doing in PP??? I am trying to reduce PP time...

    I'm going to snag a Nikon 16-35mm when this comes in, ans supposedly this thing has mega distortion at 16mm... Just curious. Non issue with the 24-70, and the 70-200. Unless you get the 14-24mm, most Nikon wide angles seem to have distortion at the wide end. Don't get me wrong, I'd love that 14-24, but every time I get ready to buy, that unprotected(able) front element scares me off.

    2. Whens mine getting here??? Been on order for what "seems like" an eternity... :cry

    1. I have mine set on "on"...never tried/compared with it off.

    2. Hopefully it will come soon.
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    trooperstroopers Registered Users Posts: 317 Major grins
    edited April 30, 2012
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