Public View Galleries AND the Same Photos for Private Purchase

MotorsportsMotorsports Registered Users Posts: 26 Big grins
edited April 18, 2012 in SmugMug Pro Sales Support

Just recently started with a Smugmug Pro account and have been busy setting up my site and getting to grips with customisation and the many options available. It is just fantastic but now that I am sorting my first few galleries I have a realisation that perhaps SmugMug Pro is missing a trick.

If not, it could be me overlooking the obvious so please let me know!

For the type of work I do it's good to let people see my latest work in the galleries as it acts as a portfolio. On the other hand I don't want members of the public buying. So I (it seems) have to upload the same photos twice into 2 galleries if I want to sell them. I have looked at the Events, Collecting and Share functionality but it seems that Buy can only be available if it is in the original gallery.

Wouldn't it be great if you can upload the photos as a view gallery for all to see but then allow invited people to access that same gallery but with the option to purchase? It would solve my problem of duplicating uploads and would save SmugMug some disk space I'm sure.

Has anyone else faced a similar situation but found a way around it?

By the way, thanks to you all for the useful info I have gleaned in these forums during my trial!



  • rainforest1155rainforest1155 Registered Users Posts: 4,566 Major grins
    edited April 18, 2012
    Hi and welcome to Dgrin! wave.gif

    I'm sorry, but I'm not aware of a way to do what you're looking for without uploading the photos twice.

    As you already noticed, the collect photos / smart gallery feature retains certain settings, like printable, security, and prices from the original gallery. Therefore it won't work for your purposes.
    SmugMug Support Hero
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