

Dayv27Dayv27 Registered Users Posts: 14 Big grins
edited April 20, 2012 in Sports
I'm the house photographer for our local ice rink. I shoot about 4 youth hockey games a month.

My main rink is pretty dark. At best I can shoot 1/125 F2.8 1000ISO. I get to shoot at a pro arena when our kids play there, and I can shoot a lot faster.

I recently added a second camera body to my toybox, and tried setting it up for during the games. I hope to be able to get the second camera in the net next season, but this was the first attempt shooting remotely.

One of the problems with the remote location was that someone opened a door behind the camera that allowed a lot of light to reflect of the glass to the right of the goalie.

All of these shots have no remote flashes for fill lighting. I don't have a way to rig remote strobes in the arenas, especially when I get to shoot road games.

The main body used is a Canon 60D with a 70-200 f2.8 IS L , and the remote was a Canon Rebel XSI with a 24-105 f4 L.
My wife says if I buy one more lens she's going to leave me. I'm sure going to miss her.



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    aktseaktse Registered Users Posts: 1,928 Major grins
    edited April 20, 2012
    I think it's great start over all and you have the action part down, but for sports, I believe in the mantra of "shoot tight, crop tighter". Also, you are color is shifting between the frames. I don't know if these frames are processed or if they're are SOC, but the WB should be tweaked in a few of them and a few could benefit from a 1/3 to a 1/2 stop bump.

    With two cameras, have you ever considered a goalie cam? keep on shooting! thumb.gif
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    Dayv27Dayv27 Registered Users Posts: 14 Big grins
    edited April 20, 2012
    aktse wrote: »
    I think it's great start over all and you have the action part down, but for sports, I believe in the mantra of "shoot tight, crop tighter". Also, you are color is shifting between the frames. I don't know if these frames are processed or if they're are SOC, but the WB should be tweaked in a few of them and a few could benefit from a 1/3 to a 1/2 stop bump.

    With two cameras, have you ever considered a goalie cam? keep on shooting! thumb.gif

    White balance is terrible at the home rink. It's a mix of florescent and sodium lights, and there are parts where bulbs are out. I've thought about putting grey-cards around the rink so that I can balance color more evenly.

    And goalie cam, definitely. The pre-made kits run $400+, and I'm looking into the "do-it-yourself" version. I hope to have it by next season.
    My wife says if I buy one more lens she's going to leave me. I'm sure going to miss her.

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