home opener

My son played his first game of the regular season yesterday.
FYI--I will likely document the summer travel ball season once again, but not the regular season as they have now locked the area (with fence, chain and lock) where me and severeal other parents used to stand to watch the game away from the crowd and to get some shots of the kids interacting.
I have little chance this year of getting great shots--I'm hoping the travel season will be better.
So bummed.



4. AFter the win

and this is what I"m up against if I want any action shots--double chain link fences!
FYI--I will likely document the summer travel ball season once again, but not the regular season as they have now locked the area (with fence, chain and lock) where me and severeal other parents used to stand to watch the game away from the crowd and to get some shots of the kids interacting.
I have little chance this year of getting great shots--I'm hoping the travel season will be better.
So bummed.



4. AFter the win

and this is what I"m up against if I want any action shots--double chain link fences!

Liz A.
14-24 24-70 70-200mm (vr2)
85 and 50 1.4
45 PC and sb910 x2
the Rookie Babe Ruth league. The fields are completely
surrounded by chain link fence. Frustrating.
Lauren Blackwell
Tony it is quite possible to get really awesome shots through a fence, I promise. I had an entire summer series last summer (don't know if you saw it, it's the work I'm most proud of) and I shot many of them through a fence, the trick is to find a good spot, my spot is no longer available:(
I can get past one fence, but one fence infront of another is a whole other matter!
Good luck documenting your grandkids. You gotta find a way.
EDIT--also the chainlinks where I was for this game bubbled out, that did not help.
Here are some examples of good shooting through a fence.
Thank you, I appreciate that.
Thank you--I loved that little touch myself.
He had a tournament a few weeks back w/ his travel team--consisting of 3 games and I took this shot--again ball in the air and it's my favorite baseball one from this year.
Thank you Damon--You gotta work with what you got no?
I will be more into it during tournament or travel time.
no point and shoot and my cell lens is shot.
I will have to crop better or keep trying w/ my zoom lens.
Thanks though Richard.
Hi there Lauren,
Glad you looked at these, I know you are such a little league fan.
I will find a way--I will try using the tele w/ the chainlink. I posted some action shots below. I just have to find the right spot on the fence where it will work in these fields--I hope.
BTW Lauren--The perfect "line-up" shot still eludes me:)
Lauren Blackwell
Jacob took a popfly to the face last evening, it tipped his glove and plowed into his mouth.
He came home from practice holding a bloody rag to his face and when he took it off my knees went weak.
Only into week one of the official season.
I did manage a shot but I was so shaken that I missed most of his face. After the p.m. pediatrics emergency visit, I got another shot but it's just too gruesome to post here. We are headed to the dentist in a bit for the lose tooth.
He did ask if I though he' be allowed to pitch tomorrow
Ouch! Poor little fella. So, have you bought him a full face helmut to wear to pitch??? My daughter fell at 2yrs. We thought she'd knocked it out and scoured the grass looking for it. Come to find out she'd rammed her front teeth back up into her palate. It came back down eventually. She now has a Colgate smile.
... I'm still peeling potatoes.
patti hinton photography
Lauren Blackwell
Liz, a technical suggestion: Long ago I set up my cameras so that they don't try to jump focus when I press the shutter button. By default most modern cameras focus when you press the shutter button half-way, so once you've focussed, if you let the button back up the camera's going to jump focus when you press it again. In front of a chain-link fence that means it's always going to jump to the fence. If it's possible, and I'm sure it's not possible with many point-and-shoots, switch autofocus to a different button. On my D3 it's the AF-ON button. On my E-P1 it's the AEL-AFL button. If you've always focussed with a half-press on the shutter button it takes a while to get used to focussing as a separate operation, though you still can press both buttons at once if you're tracking something like a flying bird. But the advantage is that then you can manually focus ahead of time, through the fence, on home plate when you see that somebody's going to run in, then just lift the camera and shoot. The camera won't jump focus back to the fence.
You probably know all that, but I've found that some pretty experienced photographers haven't thought about it.
Thanks Patti--I fretted over the processing on #1, but was confident with the emotion of the shot.
lol, no full helmet to pitch. He's normally a catcher in travel ball, and second baseman/pitcher in regular season, I dont' yet know what I'm going to do. I may have to get a mask with a guard for his face for batting (though I really don't want to do that), but at the very least a mouth guard. I will consult w/the oral sugeon more when the wires come out from his front teeth.
I hope my kid has the same results as yours!!
Hey Russ,
I loved your emotional response to the shots and what it conjured up for you. I have to thank photography in that it allows me to document the moment and appreciate it--far more than I ever did prior to being a photographer. I see all these "precious" moments as they happen and I'm pretty thankful, I also see it going back at warp speed year after year.
I appreciate the tip re: focusing--I will look further into it--I need all the help I can get for thru the fence shooting.