MEGA CHALLENGE: Can't decide

SAMBALAMSAMBALAM Registered Users Posts: 64 Big grins
edited April 23, 2012 in The Dgrin Challenges
Below are my two options. I already submitted one but I am having second thoughts. Any comments would be great!!




  • DeuceFourDeuceFour Registered Users Posts: 350 Major grins
    edited April 21, 2012
    I think I like the second option best.. In the first one, the way the fence cuts the whole scene in half is kind of distracting and takes longer to realize whats going on.
  • GretaPicsGretaPics Registered Users Posts: 373 Major grins
    edited April 22, 2012
    Another vote for #2. I think the dog looks more mean and "Rabid" too. I wish the dog was a bit darker than the fence or that there was a little more differentiation between the two. I like the red title. Looks like a scary movie. GP
  • richterslrichtersl Registered Users Posts: 3,322 Major grins
    edited April 22, 2012
    Definitely #2. He looks much more fierce in that one. :D
  • SAMBALAMSAMBALAM Registered Users Posts: 64 Big grins
    edited April 22, 2012
    Here is another edit of the second one with my dog a little darker.

  • richterslrichtersl Registered Users Posts: 3,322 Major grins
    edited April 22, 2012
    I prefer the undarkened version. In the darkened version, the mouth and eyes are not as pronounced and I think to pull this off right you will want the viewer to immediately be drawn to those features.

    Just a thought: what I would try to make his eyes look creepier is this:
    1. Duplicate the doggie layer.
    2. Change the Normal blending mode to Color Dodge.
    3. Add a Layer Mask to the duplicate doggie layer: choose Layer > Layer Mask > Hide All.
    4. Select the Brush tool.
    5. Set the Foreground to White.
    6. Select the layer mask and paint over the irises of the dog's eyes. Play with the layer's opacity to suit your taste.
  • SAMBALAMSAMBALAM Registered Users Posts: 64 Big grins
    edited April 22, 2012

    I am not great with photoshop but here is my best attempt at what I think you are looking for.
  • lkbartlkbart Registered Users Posts: 1,912 Major grins
    edited April 23, 2012
    I like the new version - it really did bring out the eyes & teeth - cool!! Nice mini-tut Linda!
    A photograph is an artistic expression of life, captured one moment at a time . . .
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