Mega - Spoof Enough?

torrbraetorrbrae Registered Users Posts: 203 Major grins
edited April 28, 2012 in The Dgrin Challenges
First attempt at doing a spoof movie poster - does this fit the challenge? Any comments/critique be appreciated:



  • SAMBALAMSAMBALAM Registered Users Posts: 64 Big grins
    edited April 27, 2012
    I love the concepts but the background needs a little something. Even if you just change the background to blue like the actual movie is, it might be better.
  • torrbraetorrbrae Registered Users Posts: 203 Major grins
    edited April 28, 2012
    Thanks for the comment - had used a white background as movie posters looked at were all white, but note that for the new Continental Drift movie are blue/sea background, so did reshoot today. Is this better - any comments/critique be appreciated.

  • travelwaystravelways Registered Users Posts: 7,854 Major grins
    edited April 28, 2012
    I think the second one is better - very funny :)
    Tatiana - Seeing the world through my camera ...... Facebook
  • WhatSheSawWhatSheSaw Registered Users Posts: 2,221 Major grins
    edited April 28, 2012
    Much better.

    The ice floes look a bit like they are floating above the water, especially the one in back. I think it is the regularity of the bottom edge.
  • billseyebillseye Registered Users Posts: 847 Major grins
    edited April 28, 2012
    Very clever concept. Makes me thirsty!

    I agree that the second one is much more appealing. I think since these are cartoons, a more saturated blue in the sky would be a nice touch.
    Bill Banning

    Check out billseye photos on SmugMug
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