My Site Has a New Look - C&C Please

I have changed my site from black to white (all pages) and have changed the header to a new font with my name and URL. The only thing I am not sure about is omitting the "red leash" icon. If anyone thinks it should be there and has a suggestion where to put it, I would like to hear your ideas. I wanted a cleaner, more professional look but the red "L" is important so I can try to use it in other areas of my site if there is no good way to put it on the front. If you click on the "Contact" link at the top of the page, it will take you to the SmugMug contact form and you can see the Red L.
I have other format changes in the works, as well as some different gallery alignments, but for now I wanted to make this significant change from black to white in order to be cosistent with my blog, Facebook, Twitter, etc.
C&C much appreciated--if you've seen my page before, what do you think of the new look? If you haven't ever seen it before, what is your first impression when you reach the home page?
I have other format changes in the works, as well as some different gallery alignments, but for now I wanted to make this significant change from black to white in order to be cosistent with my blog, Facebook, Twitter, etc.
C&C much appreciated--if you've seen my page before, what do you think of the new look? If you haven't ever seen it before, what is your first impression when you reach the home page?
I found the red "L" being a bit too dark.
I understand the reason but I'm not sure I'd want a blog matching the style of SmugMug. On your blog are a bunch of links listed... they all look like outside links except for Red Leash. Consider adding a section, such as, "My other sites." Then add "purchase my photos at SmugMug" or some other variation to set these two links apart from the other links that send people further away from you. Then when they go to SmugMug... if the bg is black, they will visually remember they are at the site where they can purchase photos.
Of course, I'm personally thinking of having different colors for different sections on my SmugMug page and all that might be needed is a distinctive watermark on the images to tie everything together. So, consider using your leash or something else as a watermark brand on all of your images.
I didn't read the other post so as not to influence me.
I like it. Nice clean and fresh with nice bright images.
I would never get rid of Murphy!! If someone doesn't like it tough!
The only thing I did find was the North America gallery slideshow didn't work.
Good luck and keep up the good work.
It's been a while since I've been to your site, so I don't really remember the old version.
I am LOVING the new version. It's crisp and clean and makes your pictures really stand out.
Definitely leave the red leash icon. Reading it made me connect with you and made me want to delve deeper into your site.
It shows you are passionate.
Good Luck!!!
Doug and Cathy
Make a graphic with your name and website divided by a red leash and save it as a transparent GIF. By dividing your name and web address with a red leash, you would maintain your branding. As it is now, your name, the word Photography, and your web address are on 3 different lines. If "Photography" was on the same line as your name, it wouldn't be too bad. I too am in the process of redesigning my site, and I use a graphic for my header. To get an idea of what I mean, Click Here to check out my site.
“The single most important component of a camera is the twelve inches behind it!” - Ansel Adams
Hi Lauren
To be honest it was 'very nice shot, but nothing too out of the ordinary'. But then I looked at your abstract gallery and it seemed as if it was not the same photographer. The abstracts are very much to my taste and I think they show a quite different side to your work - although your other shots are also very good. I like them very much. So, if that's the impression you want to give I'd be tempted to put an abstract on the front. You need to make an impact with a single shot at the front of the house (see mine), to grab people's attention.
Overall the site layout is very clean, crisp and easy to navigate. The colours look good on the white backdrops - you're making me start to think I should switch mine from black to white...
Murphy looked a real beauty. But a little more info about yourself would have been nice.
Are you on Flickr? I'd quite like to see your new abstracts when they appear. Actually, that's a good point - is it possible to have a feed to someone's site so you get notified when they have uploaded new stuff? Anyone?
keep up the good work.