Interested in art? PJ

Here is the building of a sculpture. I haven't touched clay in over 40 years. I was getting restless (yeah, yeah I know, it takes me a while
). I have no ego for this stuff, I'm doing it for the money, maybe I can sell some of these.
This is how one guy builds a model to be cast in bronze
The piece is an iconic sculpture of ... you guess. Structurally its like sculpting an elephants head resting on his trunk; there are engineering issues. Anyway , no problems getting the model done in 17 days (with one molder's redo)





6 I had to seal all porous material for the mold maker

There was some additional finishing to the hair after this, but this is about how it went. These models are rarely pretty & it will be destroyed upon opening the mold.

This is how one guy builds a model to be cast in bronze
The piece is an iconic sculpture of ... you guess. Structurally its like sculpting an elephants head resting on his trunk; there are engineering issues. Anyway , no problems getting the model done in 17 days (with one molder's redo)





6 I had to seal all porous material for the mold maker

There was some additional finishing to the hair after this, but this is about how it went. These models are rarely pretty & it will be destroyed upon opening the mold.
... I'm still peeling potatoes.
patti hinton photography
This will be set in a refractory plaster; when cured will be heated to 2,000 degrees, turned upside down to allow wax to run out & then they pour molten bronze into the hot cast.
When cool the cast is broken, then you're left with a piece that is rotten ugly & needs work
"He not busy being born is busy dying." Bob Dylan
"The more ambiguous the photograph is, the better it is..." Leonard Freed
Child's Heart" was originally done by Stevie Wonder, Michael did a cover in 1973.