
Trouble with View NXII software

lightdrunklightdrunk Registered Users Posts: 89 Big grins
edited April 28, 2012 in Cameras
I loaded the software that came with the D800, and then uploaded a group of photos with it. When I booted this morning, the plugin was gone. I searched for NXII and only found the components, not the plug in, or any means of opening the program.

I attempted to reinstall the software and the drive makes some noises, but the software does not appear on the desktop.

Anybody know what to do? I can use Bridge, but it's a pain in the ass.


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    Matthew SavilleMatthew Saville Registered Users, Retired Mod Posts: 3,352 Major grins
    edited April 28, 2012
    What do you mean by components, not the plug in? View NX2 is not a plugin, it is a stand-alone program. (EXE or APP)

    I would just download the latest version and install it that way. View NX2 is free.

    Now, if it is Capture NX you are talking about, that is not a free program so you'll have to deal with the install disc that comes with the D800. Unless the disc sleeve has a serial number on it, then once again you can just download a trial version from Nikon, and plug in the serial number when prompted.

    Again Capture NX is not a plug-in, just a stand-alone program, although there may be additional plug-ins for Capture NX that I don't know about...

    I would try completely un-installing and deleting everything related to View / Capture, and then go from there.

    BTW, regarding Bridge etc. - if you do anything high-volume, I would recommend getting accustomed to "the pain in the ass" that is Bridge / Lightroom 4. That's really the only way to go for getting the highest possible image quality out of low-light or high-volume images. If you shoot nature / landscapes and only process a few photos here and there each week, then you can continue to use View NX / Capture NX, however for anything more than a thousand or so photos per week, I'd hate to be stuck with just those programs. (Even though I do love View NX2 for culling and quick JPG exporting...)

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