Signature references an old domain??

Hi guys, I can't seem to change my signature. If I go to my control panel and type in, when clicked it tries to find my old domain which is Any ideas?
Denise in Smugmug customization said this
"It's going to your old site because that's what's code in your signature. Here's what I see when I do a view source on your signature in dgrin:
<a href="" target="_blank"></a>
I'd suggest you edit your signature".
But when I edit my signature it doesn't work. Am I missing some tags in my signature for it to take affect????
Denise in Smugmug customization said this
"It's going to your old site because that's what's code in your signature. Here's what I see when I do a view source on your signature in dgrin:
<a href="" target="_blank"></a>
I'd suggest you edit your signature".
But when I edit my signature it doesn't work. Am I missing some tags in my signature for it to take affect????
Just a quick suggestion, but did you maybe have the old domain entered under Your Profile > Edit Your Details > Home Page URL? That's another place it could be showing up, maybe.
Universe halted: reality.sys not found (that's old school!)
Not a DGrin issue. Link goes directly to, which is what you set it to in your profile. You did that correctly.
But... there seems to be a redirect somewhere (your domain registrar?) sending it elsewhere after it tries to resolve.
"You miss 100% of the shots you don't take" - Wayne Gretzky
Meaning smugmug or my domain provider?
Most likely, there is a DNS server with the wrong IP# in it somewhere. My guess is your domain registrar. You might want to email their support or look at your control panel over there. SM? Unlikely. Have you ever had a SM account and a domain name of *.nz at the same time?
"You miss 100% of the shots you don't take" - Wayne Gretzky
Yes I had 2years of and then I moved from New Zealand to Australia hence the