Howto load featured images url of all album with one call
I'm writing a windows 8 app.
I'd like to show all albums as tiles on a screen and need the featured image.
At the moment, i do the following in oder to get the featured image(Highlight)
First, i call smugmug.albums.get to retrive all albums. In order to get the highlight id i have to set Heavy to true.
The i have to call smugmug.images.getInfo for every album in order to retrieve the highlight url.
This works, but is super slow. First i have the heavy output from albums.get which i don't need except of the highligh info, and then i have to request image.getInfo for every image and at last i have to retrieve the real imag via url.
Is there a better way(only one call) to get a list with featured images urls for all albums?
Thanks in advance.
I'm writing a windows 8 app.
I'd like to show all albums as tiles on a screen and need the featured image.
At the moment, i do the following in oder to get the featured image(Highlight)
First, i call smugmug.albums.get to retrive all albums. In order to get the highlight id i have to set Heavy to true.
The i have to call smugmug.images.getInfo for every album in order to retrieve the highlight url.
This works, but is super slow. First i have the heavy output from albums.get which i don't need except of the highligh info, and then i have to request image.getInfo for every image and at last i have to retrieve the real imag via url.
Is there a better way(only one call) to get a list with featured images urls for all albums?
Thanks in advance.
You can get the featured image URL directly in the albums.get call when you pass "&Extras=Highlight,ThumbURL" to it. Depending on your need you can even request bigger than Thumbnail image by switching to SmallURL, MediumURL etc.
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