The Farmer

Every Sunday morning at around 6AM, me and my friend whom I am mentoring in photography jogs around our location in Tagaytay, Cavite for almost 2 hours. One hour just to arrive at the Taal Lake viewing area and another hour to go back home. It's been a long while since I tried jogging this long but it was good. Not only for my health but also for calming the mind and conscious breathing. Aside from that... I get to see different and unique things to shoot every Sunday!
This is one of the fruit of that early Sunday morning jog. We were passing the main highway road going back to our school when we spotted this. In spite the fact that my 18-70mm lens can only zoom that much, I thought that the ground curves and contrast in color would make this shot workable. Here is what I came up with after processing. Thank you for viewing.

and in B&W:

Nikon D70 using an 18-70mm lens. ISO 400, f/8 at 1/320 second.
This is one of the fruit of that early Sunday morning jog. We were passing the main highway road going back to our school when we spotted this. In spite the fact that my 18-70mm lens can only zoom that much, I thought that the ground curves and contrast in color would make this shot workable. Here is what I came up with after processing. Thank you for viewing.

and in B&W:

Nikon D70 using an 18-70mm lens. ISO 400, f/8 at 1/320 second.
Sitting quietly, doing nothing. Spring comes and the grass grows by itself.
Thanks a lot for the nice comment and for viewing, Eia.