Recently, you expressed some surprise that Cedar Waxwings were still here this far north. This one is from today.
They love the early light....oh....and the abundance of berries too.
Thanks Ric for the shot.. They, waxwings, are just the coolest birds! Love to watch them up in the mulberry 'trees' passing berries down the line.
Did you know that they can get rather plastered from eating fermenting berries? Folks will find them wondering around on the roads, bring them in, we let them sober up for a day or so and send them on their way..What a hoot!
Thanks Ric for the shot.. They, waxwings, are just the coolest birds! Love to watch them up in the mulberry 'trees' passing berries down the line.
Did you know that they can get rather plastered from eating fermenting berries? Folks will find them wondering around on the roads, bring them in, we let them sober up for a day or so and send them on their way..What a hoot!
Did you know that they can get rather plastered from eating fermenting berries? Folks will find them wondering around on the roads, bring them in, we let them sober up for a day or so and send them on their way..What a hoot!
Just learned something new....thanks.