Exposure Doesn't Pay Bills

I got this off of a photography club website out of Hyderabad India. Thought I would share.
Lawyers have pro bono, why shouldn't photographers?
Our photography sometimes gets as shocking as that piece of paper with the lawyer's signature. It's just paper! Jeez, I'll trade you a $5, $10, $20 or $100 bill for a $1 bill. It's just paper. Just click the button! Have fun and no worries as time and money doesn't mean much. You've heard the old saying... "time and energy is wasted on the youth," so why would the money in my wallet mean anything either? Time is money.
Explaining what we do should really be simpler then what was said at the end of that video.
For free exposure with a client (bank robber), a person (victim) shouldn't do but does anyways, here are some options to give your new best friend (keep your enemies closer):
- Use their equipment instead. Leave all of yours at home. They want better? They can pay you to rent yours for you to use.
- Use that little compact camera you might have (if it's good enough for SI, why not anyone else?)
- Buy a camera with a phone built in and use that. Too good? Buy a first generation camera with a phone built in.
- Ask them to buy film and have them scan the images from:
- The simplest Polaroid instant camera you can find.
- Or a camera that shoots 110 film. Too good? (Your age might be showing).
- If it's a night shoot or darkly lit room, have them buy some 35mm instant cameras and pray they buy the ones without a flash.
- While they're setting up for the shoot, learn to make your first pinhole camera and try it out for the first time.
There's no reason the photo shoot can't be an educational experience for everyone. And don't forget to ride your bicycle or skateboard to work (play date with your new friends).