Lighroom issue
Having a problem opening my lightroom catalog on my portable drive. The drive is brand new, udloaded all my images to it from another drive and it was fine. The last time I uploaded photos to this new drive it started uploading very slow, took much longer then it should have to upload not that many images. After the upload was done, i tried to start editing and either the drive or lightroom loacked up. I couldnt even eject the drive from my mac. I had to unplug it without ejecting. Now when I try to open the catalog on the portable drive it says the catalog is being used my another application and connot open. I get this message when I try to open it from my mac and pc. What do I do?
D300s D90
Nikon 18-105mm,Nikon 18-200mm,Sigma 24-70mm f2.8, Sigma 70-200mm f/2.8
Nikon 18-105mm,Nikon 18-200mm,Sigma 24-70mm f2.8, Sigma 70-200mm f/2.8
Author "Color Management for Photographers"
Nikon 18-105mm,Nikon 18-200mm,Sigma 24-70mm f2.8, Sigma 70-200mm f/2.8
Yes. Hopefully you have a back up on another drive. Otherwise clone (backup) everting on this suspect drive first. Hopefully the data is OK.
Author "Color Management for Photographers"
So you have your data, your backup (external harddrive), and your offsite location. (I use crashplan. THere are other services.)
is it visible in My Computer ?
if so , right-click it / properties / tools-tap / check for errors