Is this actually shot in IR or is it an IR photoshop action processed from a color shot? It just doesn't scream IR to me as usually any vegetation will normally be a nice bright white. Not saying that's bad, just wondering.
There does seem to be a distracting halo around the trees
I went back and checked the photo to see what might be causing the halo around the trees. There was no masking so I'm not sure what caused it, other than perhaps an anomaly of the conversion.
You're right in guessing I used a photoshop filter for the IR. The trees are darker than if it had been a real IR filter, that's for sure. I'll pay more attention to that in the future as I gain experience with this effect.
Is this actually shot in IR or is it an IR photoshop action processed from a color shot? It just doesn't scream IR to me as usually any vegetation will normally be a nice bright white. Not saying that's bad, just wondering.
There does seem to be a distracting halo around the trees
You're right in guessing I used a photoshop filter for the IR. The trees are darker than if it had been a real IR filter, that's for sure. I'll pay more attention to that in the future as I gain experience with this effect.
Thanks for the comments!