>> challenge attitude <<

let's all remember folks, these challenges are meant to get y'all out there and shoot something different, or in a different way, every fortnight. they're about learning, growing, and sharing. the activity in the comments and critiques thread is great - i see lots of helping going on and that's a great thing. what a community we have going here!
let's all not take this too seroiusly, except in one regard: are we growing / learning as photographers? are we helping others when and where we can? if so, then you are a winner. period.
i keep taking the temperature of the group regarding the format etc. seems like most folks are happy with the format, and that's good. any issues, concerns etc, regarding format, or even a particular entry, should be drawn to my attention via pm.
regarding the comments that i and the guest judge make: our committment is that we *will* make them, there's no guarantee regarding x amount of time after a challenge -- just that it'll be as soon as is possible for us.
cheers and enjoy (challenging yourselves) photography,
let's all not take this too seroiusly, except in one regard: are we growing / learning as photographers? are we helping others when and where we can? if so, then you are a winner. period.
i keep taking the temperature of the group regarding the format etc. seems like most folks are happy with the format, and that's good. any issues, concerns etc, regarding format, or even a particular entry, should be drawn to my attention via pm.
regarding the comments that i and the guest judge make: our committment is that we *will* make them, there's no guarantee regarding x amount of time after a challenge -- just that it'll be as soon as is possible for us.
cheers and enjoy (challenging yourselves) photography,
I for one really enjoy the challenges. Truthfully, there are times when I wish a greater base (number) of participants would comment so that we are not "hearing" comments from the same group of "speakers," but I guess that depends upon the forum members as a whole. For a while there I got to feeling that I was commenting too often, and so backed off and "looked and listened" rather than speak, and this last month I've just been in a whirlwind and now feel a bit out of the loop.
What I really wish was that there was a way that the photos could come in "blind". That there was a way to keep others from knowing who contributed which photo right up until the end of the vote.
I sincerely believe that knowing who a contributor is does allow for a level of "bias" intended (conscious) or not. I realize that it might well be too difficult to set up a challenge this way, but I sincerely believe that a "blind submission" would have some merit.
That being said, let me reiterate that I thoroughly enjoy the venue and the forum, and appreciate all of your efforts more than I am able to fully express.
Andy, this place and the folks who participate in it are great. However I did notice a bit of testiness creeping into the challenge threads, almost immediately after prizes were added. Could be my imagination, I admit. But maybe just doing it for the fun of it takes the pressure off and relaxes everyone?
I don't know if taking prizes away would help attitudes, but I would hate to see you get exasperated and stop hosting the challenges. It must be a lot of work for you, and it is a great service to the rest of us. It is the most active area, it spurs peolple to get out and shoot, and it provides lots of feedback that we can all learn from.
My $.02...