Film Development

Here's a question:
I have a couple of rolls of film from recent attempts at being a photographer, and would like to know the best way to get them developed reasonably well, for a reasonable price. I don't need anything larger than what lets me see the image, and I don't need anything too fancy, but I also don't want to take them to Wal-Mart because that just seems like a horrible thing to do.
All images were shot on Tri-X 400, and with a Canon EOS 620.
I don't want to build a darkroom in my one bedroom apartment, or buy a bunch of extra stuff either. I just want to send it off/walk it in and let them do their magic.
Thanks folks!
Funny thing is there is not a single question mark in there...
I have a couple of rolls of film from recent attempts at being a photographer, and would like to know the best way to get them developed reasonably well, for a reasonable price. I don't need anything larger than what lets me see the image, and I don't need anything too fancy, but I also don't want to take them to Wal-Mart because that just seems like a horrible thing to do.
All images were shot on Tri-X 400, and with a Canon EOS 620.
I don't want to build a darkroom in my one bedroom apartment, or buy a bunch of extra stuff either. I just want to send it off/walk it in and let them do their magic.
Thanks folks!
Funny thing is there is not a single question mark in there...
Every other local lab I found wanted to charge 2-3x as much for the developing and at least $5 for scanning.
PM with where you live and perhaps I can give you some suggestions.
// richard <>
richardmanphoto on Facebook and Instagram I believe the business name is Images. They are in Tucson, Az. Bill and Sue. They are reasonably priced, provide a choice of developers, 'dip and dunk' - no scratches on the negatives, and can turn film around in a day or two. I have sent them up to 40 rolls at a time on pro jobs and never been disappointed. It's been quite a while, but use my name; there's an off chance they'll remember me. Oh, they will provide 1 stop of push or pull for no extra charge. UH OH! They may have gone out of business
"He not busy being born is busy dying." Bob Dylan
"The more ambiguous the photograph is, the better it is..." Leonard Freed
I am really depressed - they seem to have vanished. Sic Gloria Tri-X
So get a couple of Nikkor tanks and reels, and some chemicals and a changing bag. It really is a piece of cake to do the ork in the bathroom.
Of course the other alternative is to recognize certain realities and concentrate on your digital skills.
"He not busy being born is busy dying." Bob Dylan
"The more ambiguous the photograph is, the better it is..." Leonard Freed
I love looking at the images posted here, but electrons aren't a substitute for having an image appear on paper. Chemically or not. Images should become physical.
There are still two ways to get images on paper, Jen - there are now a number of affordable printers that on mat paper can produce gorgeous inkjet prints. Also, there are both Durst and Fuji, computer driven laser enlargers that are used to expose silver paper that use digital images to produce traditional silver prints. Check out . I have three of their prints - two on double weight mat, and one on RC paper, and they are spectacular.
Oh, and Costco has the Fuji Lightjet printers. You can download the printer profile from the Costco you want to use, prepare your image, and upload it for printing on RC paper. The prints a quite good and shockingly inexpensive.
"He not busy being born is busy dying." Bob Dylan
"The more ambiguous the photograph is, the better it is..." Leonard Freed
Well, I may have to go with the CostCo option. While I would certainly love to develop my own film, we've got a little baby girl nearly here with us, and even inside the womb she is taking up a lot of space in the house. I think we'd just lose our minds with any more junk about. Time for a yard sale, actually!
Anyway, I don't have any particularly "love" for film or think that it's the only real photography in the world or anything. I bought my EOS 620 and some Tri-X for about $100 with the following in mind:
1) I get to try something different, and understand the value of pressing the shutter button.
2) I get to shoot full frame, which is very awesome, for a very low price.
So, I'll check out CostCo...we'll see. I may try a send off option as well. Wouldn't mind that at all.
Tampa, FL, richardman.
// richard <>
richardmanphoto on Facebook and Instagram
the darkroom: true B/W film developing
Coopers Imaging
THE above usrls were from a google search for Black and White film Processing ... ...
good Luck and no do not ever stop shooting is majikal ... ... and if you ever want to get into developing the film can do it for under $30 probably for a nice stainless steel tank and reel or even a great plastic tank and plastic reel, which I prefered over the stainless as it was much easier and faster to wind the film onto the plastic reels....any way good luck to your film shooting.
another one of my go to places FREESTYLE PHOTO IN L.A. THEY ARE A GREAT PLACE TO BUY FILM ALSO ... ...
"He not busy being born is busy dying." Bob Dylan
"The more ambiguous the photograph is, the better it is..." Leonard Freed
Thank you very much, Javier
I am with Art, buy a tank and reels and some chemicals and do it yourself. I understand the life change with little ones, but it really is pretty easy and all you need is a bathroom or laundry room with a sink and no windows. If you are going to shoot film even occasionally you will pay for the tanks in the first few rolls. I got rid of my full 35mm through 4x5 darkroom 7 years ago, but kept all the tanks and trays for developing roll and sheet film. Rarely use it, but glad I have them and they don't take much room at all.
(I will disagree with Art on one point, I always liked the stainless spiral reels. A bit trickier, but never jammed on me.:D )
Yeah, I missed the Tri-X the first time around... I was thinking C-41.
I actually do both color and B&W at home now that I shoot medium format on occasion. If you're going to do more than a couple rolls, it is worth getting the gear. And as others have mentioned, you don't need to dedicate a room to it if you just want to develop and scan. I just step into a dark closet and use a changing bag to put the film on the reels, and everything else is done in my kitchen in normal light. You don't actually need a darkroom unless you're printing also.
Even the big local camera store won't touch the stuff. (C-41 only!) They told me to send it out to Dwayne's Photo.
Another possibility is to see if your area has a community darkroom available.
Oh if I can find one I will post it here.
I have a small two bedroom nyc apt w/ my husband and two kids here and one bathroom.
I developed my own film a year ago and used a dark bag, didn't need the dark room.
Got the film and then scanned it in (never enlarged my own photos).
That was fun, but I don't know that I could repeat the process again, so I hear you. Though once you do it, you find yourself wanting to give it another go, so don't count it out 100%
Quincy I'm digging around for a mail in photo place where you get your film back in a week. I thought I had it here to post but can't locate it. I am looking for ya.
Moderator of: Location, Location, Location , Mind Your Own Business & Other Cool Shots
I really can't wait on one shot, though, so I may send off a roll to a developer just so I can get this one back and scan it in. Obviously, I don't know what the end result was, but when I captured the image I got the goosebumps...I think it's a keeper haha.
Also Xtol developer.
Mind the temperature. Use The Massive Development Chart online. It's a developer's best friend.
It's very easy.