5d3 video
I finally got a chance to try out shooting video with my new 5D3 last night. Just indoor, at night, regular tungsten lights in livingroom ceiling, home stuff, nothing special. I just used auto WB and auto ISO. I didn't even know the video settings 'till I got around to processing it, whatever they were out of the box. (it ended up being 29.97 1920x1080)
Three things standout for me.
I've got to learn this focus stuff better.:D
I can't believe how well the auto white balance works. My 7D always puts a pinkish cast on the walls and the cloth on the pool table looks strange.... I think it is the cedar/redwoodish ceiling that messes things up. But the 5D3 just seems to nail the color in spite of all that.
I'm using Premiere Pro CS6 to put things together. This is the first time I'm using Premiere on my Dell 6600 that has an NVidia card that the Adobe Mercury engine supports. I can scrub through the video with no hesitation at all. It's really good.
If things work out right this week I'll be shooting one of my instructional vids with some new LED lighting that should be arriving Monday or Tue. I'll post some of the results of that. I'm pretty hopeful it will be much better than some of the 7D stuff I've tried.
Overall I think the 5D3 is going to be great for what I do. Of course my only comparison is to the 7D so maybe a 5D2 would have done just as well... but in any case I'm really, really happy with the 5D3.:thumb
Three things standout for me.
I've got to learn this focus stuff better.:D
I can't believe how well the auto white balance works. My 7D always puts a pinkish cast on the walls and the cloth on the pool table looks strange.... I think it is the cedar/redwoodish ceiling that messes things up. But the 5D3 just seems to nail the color in spite of all that.
I'm using Premiere Pro CS6 to put things together. This is the first time I'm using Premiere on my Dell 6600 that has an NVidia card that the Adobe Mercury engine supports. I can scrub through the video with no hesitation at all. It's really good.
If things work out right this week I'll be shooting one of my instructional vids with some new LED lighting that should be arriving Monday or Tue. I'll post some of the results of that. I'm pretty hopeful it will be much better than some of the 7D stuff I've tried.
Overall I think the 5D3 is going to be great for what I do. Of course my only comparison is to the 7D so maybe a 5D2 would have done just as well... but in any case I'm really, really happy with the 5D3.:thumb
There is a setting that makes the half-press shutter button start/stop video, assuming you've switched the camera to video mode. It's in the 5th group of the camera settings.
With this on you switch on video mode. Half-press the shutter button, the camera focuses and chirps, then video record starts. Half press again and it stops. This isn't auto-focus but it makes it pretty easy to re-focus when you change the scene, half-press to stop, then half-press to re-focus and start. You end up with a bunch of clips to edit together.
Auto focus when you do this is slower than in still image mode. It seems to stop down the lens when it does the focus when you are in video mode.