Pretty nice effort. Really like the colors your using to spice things. Think your model gave you some nice ones to work with and was having a great time doing so
Thank you for the replies everyone. I appreciate the feedback. I like the "motion" ones as well. The orange one is my favorite. Here is a quick run-down of what I did:
The most important element for the lighting was the power of the light on the backdrop. The background was metering f/11-f/16 and I was shooting at f/8. I adjusted several times. Even lighting was quite important to ensure good results.
If the light was too powerful, then I'd get too much spillback on the subject. Too low, and I ended up with hot-spots on the bacgkround (which would have made PP a pain). I wanted just a tinge of spill on to the subject to help with a bit of modeling and dimensionality. I think this separates it from being a photograph rather than just a drawing. The "sweet spot" was about 12 inches wide, the subject had a hard time staying in the box.
One thing I learned was how hard it was to get a sense of "person" with a black blob. By far this was the most challenging. It was an experimental process. I threw a lot away. The trick, I think, is to have at least a couple of elements that are recognizable while also maintaining some amount of "separation" between body parts. For example, the yellow one would have been much stronger had I asked the subject to put her left arm down. Thinking in silhouette was quite challenging. I've worked so hard to develop a "3D" vision that switching to "2D" was a tripping point.
For PP work, it was quite simple. Smashed all the sliders to create the highest contrast images Lr would give me. Because I did the lighting right, this gave me nice strong blacks against pure white. Then in PS did a simple color layer set to multiply (this worked great because I had a pure white background, and a mostly black subject).
Please feel free to post any reworks you do of my images. Crop, skew, munge, edit, share. Website | Galleries | Utah PJs
I too like the sense of motion & the hair accents that. I think you're on the right track for something impressive.
You might like to get the entire body in to further develop the twisting motion
edit: Hey Ryan why don't you see if you get get some images of the original ipod marketing. They did a lot of good stuff with silhouettes (& Michael Jackson album covers)
"You don't take a photograph, you make it." ~Ansel Adams
Website | Galleries | Utah PJs
You might like to get the entire body in to further develop the twisting motion
edit: Hey Ryan why don't you see if you get get some images of the original ipod marketing. They did a lot of good stuff with silhouettes (& Michael Jackson album covers)
Good luck