Alaskan Inner Passage

Nightingale and I joined Marc Muench and Hal Schmitt for a workshop aboard the M/V "Northern Song" over the end of April, and found some whales and some eagles. It rained every day, some days more and some days less, but sunshine was not abundant, so unlike Harry, we did use ISO's higher than 100 or even a roaring 200.
Some of the time it was raining, did I mention that? AF does not work as well in low light in the rain either... ISO 800 f7.1 1/200th Yes, I know it is not real sharp, but I like it just the same.

I did a little better on this one ISO 800 f7.1 1/250th

With this much rain, there was also some mud around on shore, where the eagles were waiting. ISO 800 f6.3 1/250th

We also saw whales near the shore ISO 400 f 5.0 1/2000th

This is a humpback bubble netting herring; you can see the baleen in the upper jaw. ISO 100 ( see Harry I do use ISO 100 sometimes ) f5.6 1/1000th

I think this is a sealion near Dawe's glacier in Endicott Arm ISO 400 f8 1/500th

This is the Dawe's glacier, a multiple frame pano with a GH-2. See the little deep blue iceberg in the center of the frame near the glacier foot? That iceberg was much larger than our boat which was 80 feet long and three stories high, and over 1/2 mile from the glacier wall itself.

This is an Alaskan shrimp that we had for dinner ISO 400 f5.6 1/640th

One of the traits of eagles that I really like, is that, like good motorcyclists, their head is always pointed directly where they want to go to, not inline with their body. Their look of really serious intent. ISO 400 f 6.3 1/1250th

Feel free to offer corrections and suggestions for improvement.
More shots can be found here
Please leave comments in my gallery, if you see images that you enjoy, or corrections if something is mislabeled.
Some of the time it was raining, did I mention that? AF does not work as well in low light in the rain either... ISO 800 f7.1 1/200th Yes, I know it is not real sharp, but I like it just the same.

I did a little better on this one ISO 800 f7.1 1/250th

With this much rain, there was also some mud around on shore, where the eagles were waiting. ISO 800 f6.3 1/250th

We also saw whales near the shore ISO 400 f 5.0 1/2000th

This is a humpback bubble netting herring; you can see the baleen in the upper jaw. ISO 100 ( see Harry I do use ISO 100 sometimes ) f5.6 1/1000th

I think this is a sealion near Dawe's glacier in Endicott Arm ISO 400 f8 1/500th

This is the Dawe's glacier, a multiple frame pano with a GH-2. See the little deep blue iceberg in the center of the frame near the glacier foot? That iceberg was much larger than our boat which was 80 feet long and three stories high, and over 1/2 mile from the glacier wall itself.

This is an Alaskan shrimp that we had for dinner ISO 400 f5.6 1/640th

One of the traits of eagles that I really like, is that, like good motorcyclists, their head is always pointed directly where they want to go to, not inline with their body. Their look of really serious intent. ISO 400 f 6.3 1/1250th

Feel free to offer corrections and suggestions for improvement.
More shots can be found here
Please leave comments in my gallery, if you see images that you enjoy, or corrections if something is mislabeled.
Pathfinder -
Moderator of the Technique Forum and Finishing School on Dgrin
Moderator of the Technique Forum and Finishing School on Dgrin
Very impressive shots...I believe #3 is my favorite image, followed by the final one.
Thomas Fuller.
SmugMug account.
Website. NANPA member
How many photographers does it take to change a light bulb? 50. One to change the bulb, and forty-nine to say, "I could have done that better!"
--- Denise
Musings & ramblings at
Natural selection is responsible for every living thing that exists.
D3s, D500, D5300, and way more glass than the wife knows about.
But the sun did come out for a few hours too, so all was good.
Moderator of the Technique Forum and Finishing School on Dgrin
If picking, my favorite has to be #3. While eagles are a very majestic creature, normally viewed with all feathers neatly in place, this shot shows that it's not always fun & games. Rain, wind, mud, the job never ends --
It says "Get-R-Done" to me
Moderator of the Technique Forum and Finishing School on Dgrin
Love natures painting:>))