Export and Upload
I have 6000 images to get up on my website. They can be thunbnails. I have Elements10 and Lightroom 4. Right now I am trying LR and it is super slow on the export. What is the fastest way to get this done?
Does the internet provider that hosts you website provide any tools for uploading? They might be faster than LR. Also if you internet provider supports FTP, uploading with FTP may be faster than LR. You can search the web for FTP programs. Filezilla http://filezilla-project.org/ is one many people use.
LR is probably exporting full resolution images. If all you need are thumbnail you will have to tell it to limit the size. Just limit the long edge to something like 80 and you will get a much small image and file size. You control that in the image resizing part of the export menu.
A lot of 'togs use dropbox to move images from here to there.
You didn't say if you were on a Mac or PC. I have found that Lightroom exports have really slowed down ever since I went to Lion, and the biggest culprit I have found is running Safari and Lightroom simultaneously. When I shut down Safari, my Lightroom speed increases dramatically. Try running only Lightroom during export and see if that helps.
The Railroad Photographer