
Window Lighting

amberlynstudiosamberlynstudios Registered Users Posts: 20 Big grins
edited June 1, 2012 in People
Hello everyone! My first post. I just started messing with lighting and reflectors and this is my first shot using window light. This is an after shot and I would love cc. Be easy on me! lol Suggestions would be fantastic.

Im shooting with a Canon 7D with 55-135mm lens in Av mode here.


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    Quincy TQuincy T Registered Users Posts: 1,090 Major grins
    edited May 29, 2012
    Hi Amber,

    This looks like a nice quality light you have here, so I'd continue to work with it. As far as critique, there are a couple of things:

    - The pose might be better looking were it not for the glasses and the slightly open mouth (at least in this case, sometimes that can look excellent). As it is, her teeth appear a bit strange because of the reflection...I'm not entirely sure what's going on there. The glasses almost completely remove her eyes from the image.

    - Her upper body and forehead seem to be the brightest points in the image, which isn't really desirable; I'd imagine you want her face to be the focal point. You could probably fix this in post processing to an extent.

    For what it's worth, I'd shoot in manual anytime you're working indoors in a studio environment. Since you know exactly what's going to be happening in front of the camera, there's no need for aperture priority, and manual will give you more consistent results.
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    amberlynstudiosamberlynstudios Registered Users Posts: 20 Big grins
    edited May 30, 2012
    Thanks! Never thought about taking the glasses off...lol...Im just so used to her wearing them...I need to learn more working with aqward people. Anything remotely sexy makes her uncomfortable and she gets so weird feeling she laughs at everything you say. I needed a serious face, I couldnt get her to close her mouth...lol....but noted....-slams it in brain- as far as manual, I need to be brave enough to work with it....Im going to try some more. Thanks!
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    HackboneHackbone Registered Users Posts: 4,027 Major grins
    edited June 1, 2012
    What the kids like to wear is generally not helping the photo. As said the bright areas draw attention. I agree with Quincy, the eyes are the "windows to the soul" Got to see at least one and then it should have a catch light. Not overly fond of low camera angles.
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