Low-Budget Photography
An interesting read. Not sure I agree with all of it but it might give someone here some ideas. He has certainly put some thought into what he has done.
Thanks for sharing...
I currently use work lights -- he doesn't say how HOT they get and how you absolutely should do a white balance before shooting.
However, he's using the "grunge" look (a fad on it's way out) so it doesn't matter since he's pushing and pulling colors all sorts of ways for effect.
I'm on the hunt for some less expensive cool daylight balanced fluorescent bulbs.
Also using the work lights for family groups sometimes the people complain the light is too bright. I usually aim my lights up at the ceiling (if low enough) or slightly away from the group on each side.
But depending on what brightness one purchases, that's another consideration.
A flash is next on my list of things to get for my camera.
Yea - the largest sticking point for me is that I think he/you/whoever could do better with making the whole image instead of patching it together (in less time also).
That is one of the main things that stuck out for me too when I read that. He listed all the advantages of working with hot lights but none of the drawbacks.
I must admit though that the author definately is creative and is making the most of the things around them.