Exciting information inside this thread!

Not really, I suppose.
I've put my body of work up, as I think it looks best (the Singles need a bit of work...that's going to require some hardcore perusing of the archives, but I just did this all today, so give me a break [don't give me a break ever]) and assembled this nifty portfolio with SmoogMoog, the popular photo hosting site. You may have heard of it.
Anyway, could you answer these questions?!
- I've tried to collect some images which show a variety of coverage, and a feature with the paracommandos section. If you were a newspaper would you consider me for freelance work? Disregard the whole "Marine, and could get deployed at a moment's notice, which is true, as Tony points out below, but I'm not trying to gauge the validity of this portfolio off of that fact.
- Do you think my self-portrait is bad? (Are there nose hairs or contemptuous looks?)
What have I ever done to you?
- Have you seen an image of mine you'd rather see in Singles than all this crap? (Don't make me take out my whale tail. I like my whale tail. [I dont' care])
- Any thoughts at all?
Here it is. Have at it, and I'd be quite happy! Don't have at it, I will most likely be apathetic and ask another group of people to look, but I like you guys, so you get first dibs.
http://www.quincytennyson.com (Oh my, he even has his own domain name... That's right ladies.)
I've put my body of work up, as I think it looks best (the Singles need a bit of work...that's going to require some hardcore perusing of the archives, but I just did this all today, so give me a break [don't give me a break ever]) and assembled this nifty portfolio with SmoogMoog, the popular photo hosting site. You may have heard of it.
Anyway, could you answer these questions?!
- I've tried to collect some images which show a variety of coverage, and a feature with the paracommandos section. If you were a newspaper would you consider me for freelance work? Disregard the whole "Marine, and could get deployed at a moment's notice, which is true, as Tony points out below, but I'm not trying to gauge the validity of this portfolio off of that fact.
- Do you think my self-portrait is bad? (Are there nose hairs or contemptuous looks?)
What have I ever done to you?
- Have you seen an image of mine you'd rather see in Singles than all this crap? (Don't make me take out my whale tail. I like my whale tail. [I dont' care])
- Any thoughts at all?
Here it is. Have at it, and I'd be quite happy! Don't have at it, I will most likely be apathetic and ask another group of people to look, but I like you guys, so you get first dibs.
http://www.quincytennyson.com (Oh my, he even has his own domain name... That's right ladies.)
it took me directly to a slideshow format. I'm too impatient to
wait around to see if a photo I like pops up.
I see now you have a click for "Singles", but I might have gone
on before seeing that. Consider an option to view as a slideshow
or as singles.
As far as hiring you, the photos you've displayed don't show a
potential customer much. Would a family wanting photos of the
kids be interested in a photographer with a portfolio of candids
and military people in action? Maybe a couple planning to get
married whilst skydiving, but that's not a huge market.
Last point...your bio says you are a Marine. Would a customer
book a series with someone on active duty who they think might
be deployed at any time?
For what occasion / type of pic?
Your bio is way too brief. It tells me nothing of who you are. It isn't interesting or informative. Also, please note I hate the use of third person writing. Why not say I am?
You don't seem to have a direction with your images and none show a commercial direction. What type of photography would you like to be hired for? Show that type of photography.
Would I hire a Marine? Absolutely! Would I hire you as a photographer? Not from what I have seen so far.
This is where I usually tell them to keep trying and don't give up, but not for you. Marine's don't have to be told this.
I should have been more thorough in explaining the "would you hire me" question. Based on the images, would you, if you were a photo editor for a newspaper, consider my work good enough to do any freelancing for you? Disregard the Marine thing. All things I should have said in the OP. Which I'll fix.
I felt the paracommandos thing is the only "feature" I've completed. Not great, I guess?
Thanks for this feedback! I've made a few changes to it, based on your comments.
Sam, I agree on the bio, to an extent. It is brief indeed. I don't know whether to rant about photographic roots/interests/etc. or give a snapshot of myself.
Disclaimer: I always have viewed the world differently, so take that into consideration.
I believe a bio should be uniquely you. No fluff nonsense about how you started taking photos with your grandma when you were 6mos old, or the artsy fartsy stuff you think someone wants to hear.
Who are you? What defines you? You are unique, your story should be unique. If you don't feel it don't write it. It won't be easy.
Okay - most important question first - would I hire you for freelance work based on the quality of this work? Absolutely. The stuff in Singles and Para Commandos, by the way, is far better than most of what you usually post here; it certainly is good enough to run in most medium to small dailies, if not major papers.
Next, Sam is right - the bio sucks.
What what you need most are more galleries, with a wider variety of work. And lose the commando look in the self-portrait - you're looking for photo work, not an assignment with Blackwater.
"He not busy being born is busy dying." Bob Dylan
"The more ambiguous the photograph is, the better it is..." Leonard Freed
That is an incredible compliment. I'd say more, but that says it best.
Consensus on Bio suckiness achieved. I can certainly fix that!
Copy all, boss. hahahah, I kid. So I'll fix the self-portrait. As far as the galleries, did you like the singles from the Sergeant's Course stuff? I think I can get a good 10-image story put together from that part of my life. I think another gallery I might be able to do is world travel, but there really is no story there. I mean, there is a story to why I travel the world, but I am, for the most part, unable to photograph that without getting some...waivers haha.
http://behret.smugmug.com/ NANPA member
How many photographers does it take to change a light bulb? 50. One to change the bulb, and forty-nine to say, "I could have done that better!"
First off I tend to hate very little. Like dislike, take exception to, disagree certainly.
Your bio is uniquely you. I think it does describe you and your experience and provides some insight as to who you are, and where you come from.
As a poor smuck with an eight grade edmucatiom I can't writes as well as you, soos my meanings ain't always as clear as I would like.
I was trying to convey my distaste for overused regurgitated meaningless fluff. If you really did take photos with grandma when you were 6 months old go ahead and post. But don't try and write what you think people / clients want to hear.
Which images do you feel are mediocre, if you don't mind? I'll certainly agree with you, there are some in there that aren't as good as the others, but I like outsiders to make the determination of my worst photographs and if you could tell me which ones do the least for you, I can probably find a replacement. This is a work in progress, for sure!
I will write it from the heart, no fluff.
As for getting better photographs in the Singles, I think I'll really need to sit down with someone (not sure who, haha) and go over all of the images in my archive. I'm just not a portfolio master, and need the help of someone who is.
And now I've added another gallery as well.
Any more comments would be greatly appreciated!
My Galleries
Thanks for the honesty, Ben. What can I do to convince you?