Camera companies really should take better care with their model names...
I scratched my head for a minute and was wondering if I should send you a message asking if you fell and hit your head, because the GX1 is neither 4/3 nor does it have a fast prime lens. Oh, wait, you want a GX1, not a G1X!
If you're still looking, I'd suggest that you check some of the demo and refurbished deals that have been around recently. I picked up an E-PL1 demo about a month ago, with the 14-42 kit lens, for around $200. The kit is running a little higher now (I ordered from Cameta camera, and they are only showing the blue in stock right now, and the prices is $23). I also got a fast prime by buying a de-kitted Panasonic 14mm f/2.5 off of ebay. You could get the de-kitted Pany lens and a demo E-PL1 (no kit lens) for around $300.
I want a smallish 4/3rds camera with a fast prime lens. My first choice is the GX1, but I'm open to others.
Sent msg. I have one for sale on the forum.
My selling policy: PM me saying: "I'll take it". You'll be the first in line, and I'll answer any questions you have. Respond within 15 minutes of my responses, or item goes to next person in line.
My selling policy: PM me saying: "I'll take it". You'll be the first in line, and I'll answer any questions you have. Respond within 15 minutes of my responses, or item goes to next person in line.
I scratched my head for a minute and was wondering if I should send you a message asking if you fell and hit your head, because the GX1 is neither 4/3 nor does it have a fast prime lens. Oh, wait, you want a GX1, not a G1X!
Sent msg. I have one for sale on the forum.