Challenge 51- Skateboarding

Well, I havent posted in a long time in these challenges...finally get something done. Anyways, heres some pictures of my 2nd favorite hobby. Skateboarding. I'm heavy into skateboarding photography and these are some of my favorites.

Challenge 26 Winner "In Your House" :deal
Wow, #2 and #3 are fantastic. I am more into surfing than skarteboarding, but I really enjoyed these shots!!
#2 for the colours/ landscape.
Is there an external lightsource, which spots on the skater?
#3 for the perspective
Great that you can see the skater's face. Nice symmetry with the feet, arms and the board + board facing down! Very cool shot! I am sure the rider would be willing to pay a fortune for this ;-))
No.3 is a really cool shot, both worthy entries as is.:):
But for me I'de be disappointed if you didn't enter the last one. Very good.
I'd like this one cropped closer. I don't think you need the "scene" the in the air shot with the skateboard says Skateboarding to me.
But this is my absolute favorite!!!
I have to agree with Dee's selection of photos. That last photo is very very cool.
SmugMug API Developer
My Photos
I'm a fan of these two, I'm also a fan of skating and snowboarding but it's not cold enough yet... I like the second shot a lot, but in my opinion you shouldn't crop it anymore the shadow (of what looks like a kickflip) is awesome and 6 is perfect too in my opinion... What are you shooting with? And do you have a site I could check out? Sweet shots as far as I'm concerned ---from a 21 yr old photographer
nice job!