A couple from Saturday night
This was from a photography MeetUp I went to this past weekend. Would love to hear your C&C.
Also, I've been having trouble with my laptop monitor lately. See what appears to be noise when no one else does. These look ok on the desktop but am wondering if anyone else sees noise in these? Thanks.
Also, I've been having trouble with my laptop monitor lately. See what appears to be noise when no one else does. These look ok on the desktop but am wondering if anyone else sees noise in these? Thanks.
In #2 I see noise in his shirt, but the rest looks ok.
Do you use a monitor calibrator? It really can help with things like this (and if you do use one, try recalibratin - mine sometimes gets a bit overzealous with room-light correction and I have to run it again to snap things back into place).
Thanks Divamum, I'll give recalibration a try to see if that helps.
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