
Quincy T encouraged me to post some of my work here. (Thanks, bro'.)
I took this shot in a little place in Manila, Philippines called the "Quiapo" area. This is where the famous Quiapo Church is and also the home of the Black Nazarene Statue. I was waiting for my 50mm lens to be repaired. Since I have about 2 - 3 hours of free time, I decided to walk around and look for interesting subjects to capture. In a small corner, I saw this little boy sleeping soundly while his mom is selling religious figurines (the ones beside him on the left). I thought it would look stronger in B&W. Thank you very much for viewing.

Nikon D70, 18-70mm lens, ISO 200, f/5.6 at 1/25 second.
I took this shot in a little place in Manila, Philippines called the "Quiapo" area. This is where the famous Quiapo Church is and also the home of the Black Nazarene Statue. I was waiting for my 50mm lens to be repaired. Since I have about 2 - 3 hours of free time, I decided to walk around and look for interesting subjects to capture. In a small corner, I saw this little boy sleeping soundly while his mom is selling religious figurines (the ones beside him on the left). I thought it would look stronger in B&W. Thank you very much for viewing.

Nikon D70, 18-70mm lens, ISO 200, f/5.6 at 1/25 second.
Sitting quietly, doing nothing. Spring comes and the grass grows by itself.
I've looked at a few of your other stuff and I like it. Nice. I just keep trying to weave it into a sense of place. Maybe my fault.
Would you be willing to put up a short series here. Three or four shots?
Jen, I'd agree with you almost and say that a wider angle or a "wider angle" (subjectively) would be more appropriate here, but I did think this was a pretty interesting street photograph that stands on its own (certainly not something I wander past daily), well composed and converted, and wanted to attempt conversion of Jiro to the best subforum on DGrin.