Combining Dance Studio and Rehearsal photos

PainterskipPainterskip Registered Users Posts: 40 Big grins
edited June 10, 2012 in SmugMug Pro Sales Support

This 'question' is more about 'sales techniques' I guess.

I'm still in the process of trying to figure how to organize my galleries and sub-galleries. Not sure why I can't "get it"....

Regardless, I have a question for those that do events like dance studio recitals and maybe even sports events....

I photographed all the kids at the studio over the course of two days....I call them 'class photos'. I also photographed the rehearsal and recital. I've already created galleries for each dance 'group', according to the dance they performed in the recital. These are the posed shots.
My question is this.....

Is it better to add the recital and rehearsal photos in that same gallery or should I create all new galleries/sub-galleries for the recital and then for the rehearsal.

I ask because I'm wondering if they are separated, will that make it to 'annoying' for the customer to have to track down different galleries. As opposed to say having all the photos from one particular dance, say "The Circle of Life", studio shots, rehearsal and recital, all in one gallery.


Thanks in advance



  • rainforest1155rainforest1155 Registered Users Posts: 4,566 Major grins
    edited June 10, 2012
    This may depend on how many photos you have. I'd recommend to keep the photos per gallery around 500 or less. That keeps galleries still manageable and fast on most computers even when using the bulk buy option.

    You can also wait some more for other photographers that might do similar events to chime in with their experiences.

    If you are not yet comfortable with using our category, subcategory and gallery structure, take a look at this post explaining it in more detail.
    SmugMug Support Hero
  • PainterskipPainterskip Registered Users Posts: 40 Big grins
    edited June 10, 2012
    Thanks for the reply. I've gone ahead and placed them in separate galleries, for now. Although, I've separated the Studio, Rehearsal and Recital photos and within each of those categories I created 'sub-categories' for each performance. Now that I've figured out the 'system'.
    And without highjacking my own post, I still think that the method used here is somewhat 'bass-akwards'. Either that or I'm losing it, which is a distinct possibility:-)
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