Can't select galleries for coupon
Trying to create a coupon and limit it to specific galleries, however whenever I click to select galleries, the window opens but no gallery shows up nor can i click the drop down menu to select a category. Please help.
When you click the Choose Galleries button, the new screen will have a drop down menu. This menu will show your categories. Click on the category where the gallery is located, then select the gallery.Select the gallery or galleries that you want to offer discounts in, and save your changes.
If you have any questions or problems, please let us know.
Nick Wilson
SmugMug Support Hero
There was an issue with this empty gallery not belonging to any category. I fixed it by assigning it to the other category. You can either delete or reassign the gallery.
Coupon gallery selecting should be working fine again.
SmugMug Support Hero
As well after I clicked 'sync photos' in LR's panel for smugmug - it made my About page all wonky. There are two photos and the text bumped down below the photo rather than next to it. I need to figure out how to change this and keep it from happening in the future too if possible. thanks for the coupon help I am not sure if this other issue is a bug or if I did something wrong but I am a little lost to say the least.
As for one gallery not showing, you may have to sync. Go to the SmugMug publish service and make sure the "sync hierarchy" option in the SmugMug settings section is checked. Then click on "sync now".
If the gallery is still not showing afterwards, write us on the helpdesk with details, like a screenshot showing the Lightroom SmugMug publish service tree with where the gallery is not showing and include a link to the gallery in question on your SmugMug site.
2. Are you sure you're viewing your about page as a logged out visitor? That's what I see in Chrome viewing it as a visitor.
The second photo only shows if you're logged in as the owner per the way you set up your CSS customizations.
SmugMug Support Hero
Any steering in the right direction would be awesome.