My wife will suggest places for me to go and take photographs when she want to get me out of her hair.
"I forget who it was that recommended men for their soul's good to do each day two things they dislike: it was a wise man, and it is a precept that I have followed scrupulously; for every day I have got up and I have gone to bed"
- W. Somerset Maugham
Lovely colors there Ann.Looks like your just out side of Edmonton to me.Stony plain area?
Hi ice. I am actually right in Edmonton, immediately southwest of the new henday bridge across the river. We have an acre in a neighborood called Windermere Estates - the area is being developed and is soon to be home to another big box power center! And I expect in a year or so that view to the east will be of houses.
There are some big flocks of 'non cda geese' around here right now. I'm pretty sure they are swans, and I'm hoping to look for them tomorrow - think I'll go to River Ridge golf course to start.
hahahaa My friends still call me when they know I am at home and there is a KILLER sunset outside. They call and tell me to grab my cam and run outside and then hang up! heheheh
I love it when family members know there's something we'd want to shoot and the tell us about it before we've seen it!
but they made me give it back.
My wife will suggest places for me to go and take photographs when she want to get me out of her hair.
- W. Somerset Maugham
My Galleries My Photography BLOG
Ramblings About Me
There are some big flocks of 'non cda geese' around here right now. I'm pretty sure they are swans, and I'm hoping to look for them tomorrow - think I'll go to River Ridge golf course to start.
Hopefully will have something to post.
My Galleries My Photography BLOG
Ramblings About Me
Thats what I do when I want them out of my hair - grab the camera and find some zen!
Thanks Brian
My Galleries My Photography BLOG
Ramblings About Me
Arlington, Tx
OMP member #: 173034
Canon EOS 5D : Bogen 3051 tripod : Bogen Monopod : Bogen 3030 head unit : Canon Speedlight 580EX : Canon EF 28-200 F3.5 : Canon 70-200 f2.8L : Canon 24-70mm F2.8L and other Canon Gear
The camera doesn't make a bit of difference. All of them can record what you are seeing. But, you have to SEE." - Ernst Haas