Important Dgrin Challenge Announcement

:wave Hello all you Dgrin Challengers 
OK so, here's the scoop: The Challenge Hosting duties are now going to be rotated amongst the moderator crew here at Dgrin. Each moderator will host for two challenges - a month - and then pass the baton to the next. They'll be picking the ten finalists, along with, as usual, the prior challenge's winner.
I will remain as final arbiter for any irregularites, etc that may pop up. But, going forward, the challenges will be hosted according to this schedule (subject to change!):
Dec 05 - Harry
Jan 06 - Shay
Feb 06 - David_S85
Mar 06 - Mike
Apr 06 - Gubbs
May 06 - DavidTO
June 06 - Ian
July 06 - Steve
Aug 06 - Skippy
Sep 06 - Doc
Oct 06 - Gus
Nov 06 - Patch
Dec 06 - Pathfinder
[edit by Doctorit 1.24.07] this list is currently under revision... but don't fear, mods will continue to rotate through as co-judges in the challenges :nod
Enjoy (challenge) photography,

OK so, here's the scoop: The Challenge Hosting duties are now going to be rotated amongst the moderator crew here at Dgrin. Each moderator will host for two challenges - a month - and then pass the baton to the next. They'll be picking the ten finalists, along with, as usual, the prior challenge's winner.
I will remain as final arbiter for any irregularites, etc that may pop up. But, going forward, the challenges will be hosted according to this schedule (subject to change!):
Dec 05 - Harry
Jan 06 - Shay
Feb 06 - David_S85
Mar 06 - Mike
Apr 06 - Gubbs
May 06 - DavidTO
June 06 - Ian
July 06 - Steve
Aug 06 - Skippy
Sep 06 - Doc
Oct 06 - Gus
Nov 06 - Patch
Dec 06 - Pathfinder
[edit by Doctorit 1.24.07] this list is currently under revision... but don't fear, mods will continue to rotate through as co-judges in the challenges :nod
Enjoy (challenge) photography,
A good way for you to go Andy, spread the cheer around a little. HeHe!
I'm sure each moderator will run the challenges in a fair manner and base their choices on the quality of the photos and how well they fit the challenge theme.
** Feel free to edit my photos if you see room for improvement.**
Use what talents you possess: the woods would be very silent if
no birds sang there except those that sang best.
~Henry Van Dyke
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** Feel free to edit my photos if you see room for improvement.**
Use what talents you possess: the woods would be very silent if
no birds sang there except those that sang best.
~Henry Van Dyke
Moderating the challenges can be brutal at times!!! :argue
You deserved a break~
If at first you don't succeed, destroy all the evidence that you tried~
Yeah. Now, I can layabout the house all day, eat bonbons and read trashy novels
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yeah yeah yeah, you mean you don't do that already?
Somebody do a photo collage of this for us!!!!!!!!!
I bet this one makes the random andy quote generator!!!!!
"A photograph is a secret about a secret. The more it tells you, the less you know." Diane Arbus
:uhoh bah!
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"You miss 100% of the shots you don't take" - Wayne Gretzky
Now there will be no way to figure what the judges will go for. Of course you could always try to spend more time on the threads that they moderate to try to get a feel for their likes and dislikes.
Let's see, Harry only likes birds, does not like dogs.
I don't know about any of the other judges.
This development could actually increase participation on all the threads.
Hmmmm looks like it could be interesting.
Andy, looks like you took a lemon and made lemonade. You finally figured a way to lessen your workload. And, you put those mods to work.
Hey, where's Lynnma? Did you have too many mods? Maybe she won't get a chance until more than a year from now?
Susan Appel Photography My Blog
Yes - about time they earned their keep!
Yeah she's too busy with the naked calendar girls
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I'm retired. Look at my profile. If this challenge thingie takes up too much time its toast. :rambo
I was supposed to get that job. :cry NANPA member
How many photographers does it take to change a light bulb? 50. One to change the bulb, and forty-nine to say, "I could have done that better!"
Sigh.... as if I don't have enough to worry about! You got a problemo with me hosting a challenge-o? :beatwax
It so happens that there have been holidays - and a death in the family of one of our moderators - and the other mod who's been assigned to this present time is just coming back from an unexpected long trip. So you're stuck with me. Tough nougies
If anyone asks about the topic - get this -- they are SUPPOSED to be hard
And, this one came from the topics thread, I even linked it in the post.
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Don't feel abused by this question; it was really just curiosity. I really don't care, I just wondered if the plan had changed.
Yeah, Air. That's a good one. Puts me in mind of an old Bill Cosby routine. He took a philosphy course in college. Why is there air? That's what they wanted to know. Any phys-ed major knows why there's air -- to blow up basketballs with.
But ... but... every question needs to be answered. What, I'm gonna leave your question hanging there??? NBL...
Let's take some pitchas, Rutt
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Andy's still the boss, but you can all say hello to your new challenge host (see the rules for specifics)... me!
We're still going to have a rotating cast of moderators as co-judges, but I'll be coordinating all the action so Andy has more time to... ah... well, you know, do important stuff!