
Konica V's Canon

slopersloper Registered Users Posts: 25 Big grins
edited November 13, 2005 in Cameras
I have decided to upgrade camera's now and have a choice of the following 2.

Konica Minolta 5D
Canon EOS 350D

I have read through loads of reviews, and cannot really fault either of them.
Both have very good write ups, and now i am really stumped as i just cannot decide between the 2.

Pros of konica against Canon.

Image stabiliser. Like the idea of this. as i dont have a very steady hand anyway, and would aid me.
ISO range is greater than Canon? even though i am still new to this and not 100% sure what this setting can do as of yet, but i am learning.
Price also is a good factor. Camera store are doing this camera for £470

Cant really think of many pro's with the canon, apart from there good reputation, and good quality camera's.
Price £649

Would really like some honest opinions from professional camera users if possible to help me decide.:lust :thumb


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    JesmolJesmol Registered Users Posts: 52 Big grins
    edited November 10, 2005
    The decision was a no brainer for me, as I already had a KM Film SLR with a few goodies that I could re-use.

    Having said that though if you didn't have any equipment for either, Canon stuff is much easier to get second hand off ebay (in Australia anyway), that may help at a later date if wanting some more lenses etc....

    I'm happy with my 5d except its going back for repairs under warranty because its not working with the lenses properly.

    I also liked the feel of the 5D better , the 350D was a little small for my liking...
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    BrettGBrettG Registered Users Posts: 120 Major grins
    edited November 10, 2005
    So many great choices, so little money :D

    I'm a Minolta (KM) fan, I got the 7D (5D wasn't out then) and was comparing it primarily to the Canon 350xt and Nikon D70.

    The only thing I would say is get the one that feels the best to you (hopefully you can handle them both back to back in a shop).

    Minolta can make glass as good as anyone, but Canon has a wider selection (both used and new).

    PS - the IS is great and quite useful, but it doesn't overcome the laws of physics (optics) - ie: it won't help with moving subjects.
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    slopersloper Registered Users Posts: 25 Big grins
    edited November 13, 2005
    Thanks for the heads up.

    I have finally made a choice and actually purchased one now. :D

    Now a proud owner of a Konica Minolta 5D
    My only concern so far is this.....

    Is the shutter meant to be as loud as this. Makes a huge clunk sound whenever you take pictures.

    AntiShake is amazing. Actually tried it out moving the camera slightly while taking pics, and they still came out pin sharp.
    Very pleased so far.

    Once again thanks for those that gave me a little help.
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    erich6erich6 Registered Users Posts: 1,638 Major grins
    edited November 13, 2005
    sloper wrote:

    AntiShake is amazing. Actually tried it out moving the camera slightly while taking pics, and they still came out pin sharp.
    Very pleased so far.
    How about some sample shots? deal.gif
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