Which one B&W or color?? CC Please.
The uploads look soft but the RAW is tack on. Not sure what happened in the process.
2 Corinthians 9:15
Agreed, this isn't a landscape.
Images in the Backcountry
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This isn't my video and I don't know the poster but I wanted to share it cause it taught me a lot.
Thank you for the information. I will check out that video tonight I hope. I really had no idea what happened to the sharpness of the photo after I processed the thing. I was hoping for a great shot and it appeared to be fairly good on camera and in RAW format but something went bad wrong. The sad part is I didnt notice it that much until I uploaded it here. One of my original files still looks great.
The bright spot on the left is distracting. I didn't see it either until you pointed it out. That was another door off the side. Thanks for showing me that. Thats why I always need another set of eyes.
I did all the processing and then sized it for this site. I may need to go back like you said and try to sharpen after sizing.
Thanks again.
Thank you again Adam.
If this needs to be moved please do so. I just uploaded where it looked like it would fit. If you had been there to see the rest of the area you would have loaded in landscape as well.
But it has some great things to shot.
"Out where the rivers like to run, I stand alone, and take back something worth remembering..."
Three Dog Night