Paint Shop Pro X4 information
Just incase someone is looking for this information. When you install Paintshop Pro X4 the default setting is Compress your raw photos by 20 % if you select to edit a photo and the click file then export and jpg optimizer you can change the compression ration to a 1 from the 20 percent it is set by default.
hopefully PSP X4 is better then X3 and X2
You are converting the raw file-- actually exporting it to a different format, such as jpeg. That is different from modifying the original raw file, and is no different from what Photoshop/Elements/Lightroom do when you export.
Personally, I never covert to JPG except to publish to my smugmug site.
As an aside, LR4 now allows "lossy" dng files, but that's a different thing altogether.
only compression applicable is in saving the jpg. PSP never sees my Raw's. Is there a better workflow then this?
Any advantage in "upgrading" X2 to X4?
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For me there was. Along other things, version X4 allows you to clone and use the paint brush with a 16-bit image. Previously, the only masking I could do in 16 bits was hide- or show-selection masking. Now I can use the paintbrush, and it makes a big difference.
There are a couple of new adjustment layers, local tone mapping and clarity/fill light, that are useful at times.