VideoURL sometimes not returned

I'm using API 1.3 (same issue with 1.2.2) and I'm having an issue with the method "smugmug.images.get".
It seems that sometimes, for a video file (which plays fine in the browser), there is NO VIDEO URL returned (e.g. Video320URL, Video640URL, ...).
I don't really see why some albums returns it and some don't.
Here is an example of an URL of an album that DO NOT return Video URLS despite having some video in it:!i=1907174033&k=pV3H684
the file is clearly a VIDEO, but no video URL or even video duration is returned.
I don't see any kind of gallery setting that I could have messed up with...????
Here is the JSON object I get:
"LastUpdated":"2012-06-14 07:12:58",
Thanks a lot for your help!
I'm using API 1.3 (same issue with 1.2.2) and I'm having an issue with the method "smugmug.images.get".
It seems that sometimes, for a video file (which plays fine in the browser), there is NO VIDEO URL returned (e.g. Video320URL, Video640URL, ...).
I don't really see why some albums returns it and some don't.
Here is an example of an URL of an album that DO NOT return Video URLS despite having some video in it:!i=1907174033&k=pV3H684
the file is clearly a VIDEO, but no video URL or even video duration is returned.
I don't see any kind of gallery setting that I could have messed up with...????
Here is the JSON object I get:
"LastUpdated":"2012-06-14 07:12:58",
Thanks a lot for your help!
What specific request do you use that gives you the response you posted?
It may also be helpful if you post the details for video that it works with, like what specific request you place and what response you get.
SmugMug Support Hero
I'm using the request:
I'm getting this:
{"id":1905384915,"Key":"rgzfwkS","Caption":"","FileName":"DSC01179.jpg","Format":"JPG","Height":681,"Keywords":"","LargeURL":"","LastUpdated":"2012-06-14 06:28:25","LightboxURL":"","MediumURL":"","OriginalURL":"","Position":304,"Serial":0,"Size":142417,"SmallURL":"","ThumbURL":"","TinyURL":"","Type":"Album","URL":"","Width":1024,"X2LargeURL":"","X3LargeURL":"","XLargeURL":""}
{"id":1905423544,"Key":"pr2mHT3","Caption":"","FileName":"","Format":"MP4","Height":720,"Keywords":"","LargeURL":"","LastUpdated":"2012-06-14 07:00:41","LightboxURL":"","MediumURL":"","OriginalURL":"","Position":679,"Serial":0,"Size":546792,"SmallURL":"","ThumbURL":"","TinyURL":"","Type":"Album","URL":"","Width":1280,"X2LargeURL":"","X3LargeURL":"","XLargeURL":""}
{"id":1907174033,"Key":"pV3H684","Caption":"","FileName":"M4H02951.MP4","Format":"MP4","Height":720,"Keywords":"","LargeURL":"","LastUpdated":"2012-06-15 08:06:33","LightboxURL":"","MediumURL":"","OriginalURL":"","Position":611,"Serial":0,"Size":431919,"SmallURL":"","ThumbURL":"","TinyURL":"","Type":"Album","URL":"","Width":1280,"X2LargeURL":"","X3LargeURL":"","XLargeURL":""}],
As you can see the "image" with filename "" has format "MP4" but did not provide any VideoURL what so ever.
Indeed, this "Image" is a video if you look on SmugMug webpage of this user (smc123) with the link I provided in my first post.
Thanks for your time.
Hi Sebastian,
Did you had time to have a look into my issue ?
Thanks in advance.
Any news ?
That particular user has switched from Power to Basic account for which we don't provide VideoURLs. The user won't be able to upload new videos and we don't delete the videos from the galleries and thus the old videos are available in the gallery, but not accessible by the API.