Let me take this rest for now. . .

This man was sleeping not too far from the old woman I saw. A lot of memories ran into my mind when I saw him. He reminded me of myself when I was still a teenager. Unable to cope up with the pressures of life, I ran away from home and walked aimlessly on the streets of Manila. Without any idea how far away I was from home, with the day getting late and no money in my pocket, I looked for a safe place to lay my head on the cold, gray pavement on the corner of a street. My mind and my body was so tired to continue walking. At that moment, I let my body rest, unmindful of the busy life that surrounds me. I wonder if it was the same with this man. Is he sleeping in a public place because he has no home or this is home for him? Questions that I have no answer of. Thank you very much for viewing.
Nikon D70, Nikon 50mm f/1.8D lens, ISO 400, f/2.8 at 1/100 second.
Sitting quietly, doing nothing. Spring comes and the grass grows by itself.
Your processing of this is impeccable. The focus is very good and crisp giving the image an almost 3D feel. The tones are rich and full blacks without blocking up. His face is in shade but there is still good detail. Reminds me of the best of silver prints with fine grained 4x5 or medium format enlarged on a nice pearl semi-matte paper. Some of the best processing to BW I have seen on this or any forum.
Thank you very much for your very nice comments, Photogbiker.
I am very much humbled by your comment about my black and white conversion process. I did not realize that people would find it good because I simply based my "technique" on what I think would suit best the type of photograph I captured. I must be doing something right for you to say that it is impeccable. Thank you very much again, Sir.
Thank you very much, Quincy. I really appreciate you taking the time to view my work and sharing your opinion about it. Thanks!
... I'm still peeling potatoes.
patti hinton photography
Thank you very much, Patti.