DSS #105 - Help Please

torrbraetorrbrae Registered Users Posts: 203 Major grins
edited June 25, 2012 in The Dgrin Challenges
Trying for the High Key look - only have the on-camera flash so using fluorescent lights to light background and camera's flash from front. But getting purple cast/highlights. Can anyone advise why, so can take without getting this colour?



  • angevin1angevin1 Registered Users Posts: 3,403 Major grins
    edited June 24, 2012
    Yeah, Chromatic aberration is the most likely cause. GO here to read about it: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Purple_fringing

    An easy way to be able to use this photo, is simply to turn it into B&W.
    tom wise
  • richterslrichtersl Registered Users Posts: 3,322 Major grins
    edited June 24, 2012
    Also, if you're using Photoshop, you can add a Saturation layer and play with the blue, red, and magenta sliders until the photo looks right to you.
  • torrbraetorrbrae Registered Users Posts: 203 Major grins
    edited June 25, 2012
    Thanks for the help - read the link and tried reshooting. Find start getting the purple (Chromatic aberration) when aperture gets above f-4. Always finding learning something new with these challenges.
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