CC 105: High Key?

I'm not 100% sure I have the high key concept down. Also, I don't have a lighting setup, or studio backgrounds, or anything like that. Still, I decided to give this challenge a try using a white blanket as background. For lighting, I used my sunroom after the sun was high enough to not shine directly in the windows. I hoped that the natural light coming in from all sides, reflecting off the light walls would would give me bright indirect lighting. It was moderately successful as there are no highlights or deep shadows on my victims, er, somewhat willing subjects. Unfortunately the blanket photographed gray, even when I overexposed up to 1 stop (with the white cat). I had to do a lot of dodging to get the background white.
Do any of these come even close to meeting the theme of the challenge?




Comments or suggestions are welcome. Thanks.
Do any of these come even close to meeting the theme of the challenge?




Comments or suggestions are welcome. Thanks.
Scott Cromwell